COAI announces its leadership for the year 2021-22 at AGM

COAI announces its leadership for the year 2021-22 at AGM

Chennai, 10th June 2021: COAI, the apex industry association representing leading Telecom, Internet, Technol ogy and Digital Services companies, concluded its Annual General Body Meeting for the Financial Year 2020-21, with the announcement of its leadership for the term 2021-22.

Mr. Ajai Puri, Chief Operating Officer (India and South Asia), Bharti Airtel Limited, will once again hold the posi tion of Chairman while Mr. Pramod Kumar Mittal, President, Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited, will be the Vice Chairman of the Association.

Mr. Ajai Puri has been with Bharti Airtel since 2004, and has held several senior leadership positions including Director – Market Operations and Director and CEO – DTH. Prior to joining Bharti Airtel, Mr. Puri served as the Business Head – Foods at Cargill Foods India. He began his career with VST India Ltd, an associate company of British American Tobacco (UK).  

Mr. Pramod Kumar Mittal comes with a rich experience of 42 ye ars in telecommunications.  Before joining Indi a‘s largest telecom operator, Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. as President, Mr. Mittal ser ved in the Department of Te lecommunications, Government of India, for over 37 years. Since the year 2000, he served as Deputy Director General (DDG) and then as Senior DDG, working in the telecommunication policy formulation and impleme ntation, lice nsing and regulatory   wings of the DoT. During his tenure, he was responsible for the liberalization of Basic ser vices, opening of National Long-Distance Services and   International Long-Distance Services, introduction and implementation of Unified Access Service Licence and the Unified Licence regime.

Lt. Gen. Dr. SP Kochhar, Director General, COAI, expressed his appreciation for Mr. Ajai Puri and Mr. Pramod K Mittal’s support and their leadership. The past year has been one of the most eventful and also the most challe nging for the Indian telecom industry. The AGR ruling of the Honorable Supreme court added to the challenges posed by the pandemic, the nationwide lock-downs, and the multiple cyclones that battered India. Despite these challenges the industry has continued to serve the nation as an essential service.COAI is optimistic about the fut ure of the industry and the opportunities ahead, as 5G and allied technologies get closer to commercial deploym ent.


Mr. Ajai Puri, Chief Operating Officer, India and South Asia, Bharti Airtel Limited and Chairman, COAI, commen ted, “The digital communications industry has once again risen to serve India and has kept the nation connected during this unprecedented phase. On behalf of the industry, I would like to reiterate our commitment to support the governm ent’s efforts to connect and digitise the country at large as we emerge from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are thankful to the DoT, Central and State Governments as well as the Telecom Regulator for supporting and encoura ging the industry to achieve the role envisioned for it.”

 Mr. Pramod Kumar Mittal, President, Reliance Jio Infocomm and Vice Chairman, COAI, said, It’s a pleasure for me to once again take the responsibility as Vice Chairman of COAI and continue to work with the industry to bring about the next level of reforms in order to uplift and strengthen the sector while initiating measures for the benefit of end consumers.”

 Lt. Gen. Dr. SP Kochhar, Director General, COAI, said We would like to thank our leadership for their guidance and support during this challenging time and further express confidence in their ability to steer the Association and the sec tor towards long term health and stability. We are pleased to share that the digital communications industry, with the support of the government has emerged as the economic and social backbone of the Nation, keeping the citizens conn ected and enabling the economy to function during the crisis period of COVID-19 and cyclones. As the industry cont inues to play its critical role, the future has a lot in store for us with the ecosystem gearing up for 5G. We are committed to play an even greater role in achieving the Digital India vision.

 About COAI:

 COAI, was constituted in 1995 as a registered, non-governmental society. COAI’s vision is to establish India as the global leader of mobile communications infrastructure, products and services and achieving a national tele-density of 100 percent, including broadband. The association is also dedicated to the advancement of modern communication and towards delivering the benefits of innovative and affordable mobile communication serv ices to the people of India. To know more please visit: