Blue star movie review

 Blue star movie review

Neelam Productions  depundent Director jaya kumar directed by  a movie  blue star and starring actors Ashok Selvan, Shantanu, Keerthy Pandian, Bhagwati Perumal and others.

In the case of BLUE STAR, the expectations among the fans who saw the trailer had created the expectation that the film will talk about the cricket match between Ur Street and Kalani Street people and the problems that arise from it. But in the film, without this, the director has shown what will happen if Ur Street and kalani Street are combined with an excellent screenplay.

No matter how much the people on the kalani street spoke about the insults being inflicted on them, there was a question mark whether the people on the street understood it. But in this film, the humiliation of Shantanu in the town street and the change in Shantanu was enjoyable.

The love scenes before the climax are aesthetically pleasing but slow the film down a bit.  This film will definitely find a place in the ranks of films produced by pa.Ranjith.

Ashok selvan as *Ranjith*

Shanthnu Bagyaraj as *Rajesh*

Prithvi as *Sam*

Keerthi Pandian as

Bucks as *Immanuvel*

Divya Duraisami as *Thenmozhi*

Arun Balaji as *Gopalan*

Lissy as *susila*

Kumaravel as Ranjith’s appa

Movie review by B4u team