*Big Announcement: Hombale Films Ka ntara: Chapter 1 to Release on OCTOB ER 2, 2025.*
Kantara: Chapter 1, one of the most hig hly anticipated Kannada language films in recent times, is set to release on OCT OBER 2, 2025.
As the next Pan-India offering from Ho mbale Films, is all set to woo the audien ces once again across the globe once ag ain after Kantar.
Hombale Films, known for its grand and authentic cinematic experiences, has sp ared no effort in creating a visual maste rpiece. The production team has recrea ted the historic Kadamba Empire at Kun dapur, immersing viewers in an era of va or, culture, and mystique. This intricate set, complete with detailed architecture and lifelike surroundings, is expected to transport audiences to a bygone time.
Rishab Shetty, the actor-director at the helm of this ambitious project, has left no stone unturned in preparing for his role. To authentically portray his chara cter, Rishab underwent rigorous traini ng in Kalaripayattu, one of the oldest martial art forms originating from Ker ala. His dedication to mastering the art has added depth and authenticity to his performance, making his character a tr ue representation of resilience and trad ition.
It was Kantara : Chapter 1 that introduc ed the richness of Konkan folklore to th e world. With its gripping narrative, bre athtaking visuals, and heartfelt perform ances, the fi brilliance made it a sleeper hit, establishing a global fanbase for the franchise.
As the makers have announced the rele ase date of the film the excitement sur rounding Kantara: Chapter 1 has multipl ied. With Hombale’s vision, Rishab Shett y’s dedication, and the legacy of the first chapter, this film is on its way to become yet another cinematic milestone.