Asthram Tamil Movie Review
Shaam, Nira, Ranjith DSM, Venba, Nizha gal Ravi, Jiva Ravi, Aroul D Shankar, Vid esh Anand and others.
Banner: Best Movies , Producer: DSM D hanashanmugamani Director: Aravind R ajagopal Story, Screenplay & Dialogues: Jegan MS Director of Photography: Kal yan Venkatraman Editor: Bhoopathy Ve dhagiri Songs & Original Score: Sundara ramurthy KS Art Director: V R Rajavel S tunt Director: Monster Mukesh Associa te Directors: Vignesh M Srinivas, Prasan na, Vijay Kuzhaikathan, Aravind Balaji L yricist: Muthamil DI: Lixo Pixels Colorist : G.S. Muthu Sound Design: Foley Engine ers Sound Mix: Anand Ramachandran V FX: Effects & Logics Trailer Cuts: Bhoop athy Vedhagiri Costume Designer: Shaik Abdulla M R Stills: R Naveen, Manohar P RO: A. John Publicity: Dinesh Ashok, Ma x Brothers Promotions: Venkataraman Promotion Design: United Artists Execu tive Producer: Aravind Rajagopal, Produ ction Controller: V Vairamani Label: Sar egama India Limited, A RPSG Group Co mpany and others.
Story -:
Police officer Sham realizes that there is some mystery behind the series of suici des that are happening in a strange way and expresses his desire to investigate t he case. After receiving permission from a higher-up, Sham starts his investigatio n with the help of a policeman named Su mant. When he finds no clue, a college fr iend meets him. Sham reveals many pre viously unknown information about the suicides that he is investigating, and sud denly he and another person who comes there looking for him commit suicide in t he same way. This causes a lot of excite ent in the police, and Sham is released fr om the case and sent home on forced le ave.
Although he is off duty, Sham discovers t hat there is some connection between t he series of suicides happening around h im and some clues and information abou t it coming to him. When he tries to find out the complete background of it, man y shocking facts come to light. What is i t? ‘Astram’ tells the story in a way that g ives you a thrilling experience every min ute.
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Movie Review -:
Despite playing a police officer who doe s not wear a khaki uniform, Sham, who d oes justice to his character with a majes tic performance, receives applause for h is stunning performance in the scene wh ere he stands alone and regrets after off ering comfort and courage to his childle ss wife.
Although Nira, who plays the heroine, d oes not have a major role in the screenpl ay, she has played an important role in c onveying Sham’s personal life and the lo sses that occur in it to the fans beyond t he identity of a police officer. The charac ter of Sumanth, who plays a police office r, has acted well without being identifie d as a newcomer.
He handles the central character of the screenplay very well an d wins a place in the hearts of the fans. Nizhalgal Ravi, w ho plays a psychiatrist, and Arul T. Shan kar, Jeeva Ravi, and J.R. Martin, who pla y high-ranking police officers, are suitab ble choices for the character and have d one their job well and added strength to the screenplay.
The songs and background score by com mposer K.S. Sundaramoorthy are in tun ne with the plot. Cinematographer Kaly an Venkatraman conveys the suspense o f the screenplay to the audience right fr om the moment Shaam begins investiga ating the suicide. Although there are ma ny characters and many twists and turns related to them in the screenplay, editor Bhoopathi, who has edited the scenes so that the audience can easily understand everything and cannot guess, could have avoided repeating the story of the Japan ese king.
Written and directed by Arvind Rajagop al, he has given a thrilling and interestin g crime thriller based on a story about t he Japanese king. The screenplay, which does not only focus on the hero, but also emphasizes the villain and other charac ters, is a great strength of the film.
The villain himself gives the hero a clue to the case, and the flashbacks and twis s that lead to it are unpredictable, and t he film keeps you waiting for what will h appen next until the final scene. Althoug h the story of the Japanese king, which i s the central theme of the film, is told ov er and over again by many characters, it is a bit boring, but if you ignore that, the entire film is sure to keep you on the edg e of your seat. Overall Asthram’ will defi nitely 100% Happy the audience.
This is My Personal Review So Please Go and watch The In Theatres Only.
Written By B4U Media Admin Ratting B4U Media 4.5 / 5