Aster MIMS Calicut doctors successfully perform South India’s first 3 D printed total talus replacement

Aster MIMS Calicut doctors successfully perform South India’s first 3 D printed total talus replacement

Aster MIMS Calicut doctors successfully perform South India’s first 3 D printed total talus replacement on Karipur plane crash survivor

 Coimbatore 18th Feb 21 : Doctors at Aster MIMS Calicut has successfully performed the first talus replacement surgery in South India. The surgery was performed on Wayand-native Naufal, who was grievously injured in Kar ipur plane crash. The surgery also happens to be the second talus replacement surgery successfully performed in the country. The rare surgery was performed by a medical team under Dr. Moidu Shameer K. P., Consultant, Ort hopedic Surgeon, Aster MIMS Calicut.

Admitted into Aster MIMS Calicut in a very critical condition, 36-year-old Naufal was discharged from the hos pital in October last year after treatment of two-and-a-half months. The patient’s life was saved by per forming several surgeries, including orthopedic and plastic surgeries.

Naufal’s left talus bone was completely damaged and lost in the accident. Even though Arthrodesis surgery is wi dely performed for treating such injuries, the patient will have to live rest of his or her life with some disability. Considering the patient desire for no rmal movement , the doctors decided to perform talus replace ment surger y, which would enable him to lead a normal life.

The talus replacement surgery is a very sophisticated treatment method and normally performed when talus de velops damage due to lack of blood supply. However, doctors at Aster MIMS Calicut took up the challenge of re constructing the talus of Naufal. The damaged talus was reconstructed in a procedure involving very sophistica te d technologies . As the first step, 3D image of Naufal’s right talus was made. Later, it was super imposed on the CT scan image of the left ankle to get the right shape and size. Subsequently 3D printed models of ankle joint an d talus were created and the four most suitable models were selected. These were used for making the most su itable implants. The implants imported into India are and some modifications were done for implantation. The surgery was successfully performed on 22 January 2021 and Naufal is doing well after the surgery.

Aster MIMS Calicut has become only the second hospital in the country to complete this procedure.