Asian Venture Philanthropy Network concludes South Asia Social Investment Summit 2023;

Asian Venture Philanthropy Network concludes South Asia Social Investment Summit 2023; urges transfor mative collective action in the region

Event by Asia’s largest network of social investors highlighted key issues faced by the Global South

January 23, Mumbai : Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN), the largest network of social investors ac ross Asia, kick-started the South Asia Social Investment Summit 2023 in Mumbai.

The two-day summit took place at the Jio World Convention Centre, and hosted speakers such as Karen Kl im owski, Deputy Mission Director, USAID, Richard Hawkes, Chief Executive, British Asian Trust, Shirish Si nha, Di rector, Climate, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, and Poonam Muttreja, Executive Direc tor, Populat io n Foundation of India, and Naina Subberwal Batra, CEO, AVPN. Leaders across policymaking, so cial investing and the management of impact organizations also attended the event and discussed ways to streamline trans formative collective action in the region.

This year, the fourth edition of AVPN’s signature event aimed to highlight issues hindering sustainable deve lopment in South Asia. These included concerns around the slow pace of progress of developing countries towards achieving United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and collective efforts required to promote gender equality, livelihood opportunities for the youth, energy transition, ecosystem develop ment and health equity.

On the occasion, Naina Subberwal Batra, Chief Executive Office r, AVPN said, “AVPN makes possible catal ytic collaborations be tween policy makers, family offices, foundations, and the privat e sector to collective ly incr ease the impact and flow of capital deployed towards closing the SDG gaps in Asia. Our endeavour with the ev ent was to support the Indian Government with th eir SDG realisation, by identifying where capi tal needs to be moved to make the most impact. Due to Ind ia’s immense influence over Asia and its role as the G20 President for this year, it is vital to make the cou ntry the centre of conversations among venture philanthropists. “

Through this event, AVPN aims to forge bold collective action for social development and unpack the role of the private and social sectors in contributing to not just India’s development but also the Asia region. Ke eping crucial conversations going from Indonesia’s G20 Presidency to India’s G20 Presidency, AVPN will continue championing the Asian voice and provide Asian solutions to global challenges. 

About AVPN

AVPN is the world’s largest network of Social Investors in Asia, with over 600+ diverse members across 33 marke ts. Their mission is to close the SDG gaps in Asia, by enabling their members to increase the flow of financial, hum an, and intellectual capital towards impact. Through sharing knowledge and innovating collaborations between policy mak ers, family offices, foundations, and the private sector, AVPN improves the effectiveness of capital dep loyed; bringing to bear the local field needs, regional expertise, and policy insights.

Get more information about the South Asia Social Investment Summit 2023 here.