As the entire world was reeling under a global health crisis that the coronavirus proved to be, India went into a lockdown.

Vijay Deverakonda’s Middle Class Fund helped 17000+ middle-class families with essentials during the lockdown times

As the entire world was reeling under a global health crisis that the coronavirus proved to be, India went into a lockdown. And in a bid to do his bit for all those hit by sudden unemployment and lack of money-making possi bilities, actor Vijay Deverakonda stepped up through his non-for-orofit organisation, The Deverakonda Foun dation, to kickstart the much-appreciated initiative – Middle Class Fund – a unique initiative that saw the actor completely involved in every aspect of execution.

The foundation, until now, has successfully aided 17,723 middle-class families with their groceries and basic essentials, spending ₹1.7+ cr. Through this initiative, 58,808 families received timely help and over 8,505 vo lunteers came together to offer ₹1.5+ crore as a way to join this community effort. This initiative was solely for the purpose to battle Corona crisis and now, since the lockdown 5.0 has enough relaxations and every sector in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana is slowly resuming business, the initiative shuts its operation from 2nd June 20 20. To keep things transparent, every aspect of the foundation’s activities in relation to managing funds was released to the media every single day.

Earlier, the foundation was also successful in reviving the career of several youth through the ‘First Job Program’ initiative. Vijay, who hails from a middle-class family himself has been quite vocal about understanding the str uggles that come with everyday hardships. This pandemic was another opportunity to show his solidarity. What proved to be an encouraging aftereffect was the support from the public who sent in a huge amount of funds as help! Vijay’s foundation has carefully crafted the use of funds and donations by Zero wastage of capital, as they have minutely verified every detail of the families who had approached them for help. The organization had ur ged the corporates to help with volunteering and 535 people extended their hands in support of this utmost noble cause and successfully helped out thousands of families who were tremendously impacted during this rough patch.

This extensive gesticulation by the foundation has revived a whole heap of families in crisis and Vijay’s active involvement in helping out people in their hardships is unconditional and comes with nil expectation of ach ieving any sort of limelight and fame. He has been standing like a backbone supporting these middle-class fa milies and his extremely down to earth gesture is commendable. This initiative was solely for the purpose to battle Corona crisis and now, since the lockdown 5.0 has enough relaxations and every sector in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana is slowly resuming business, the initiative shuts its operation from 2nd June 2020.

The foundation has done an outstanding job in aiding the working-class families who have always been a neg lected and deprived section of the society. With a transparent system of overseeing the finances and efficient functioning, the foundation and Vijay have won all applause and hearts. However, this is not the end of the story and Vijay wants to keep going. More of his plans will be revealed in the days to come.