Apollo Proton Cancer Centre successfully treats two unique Cancer cases from Bangladesh with advanced Robotic surgeries  

Apollo Proton Cancer Centre successfully treats two unique Cancer cases from Bangladesh with advanced Robotic surgeries 

– Treated a 53 year old high risk cardiac patient with dual cancers (right side colonic cancer & thyroid cancer) with Robotic Surgery

– In peadiatric, for the first time in India, APCC treats carcinoma of Mucoepedermoid carcinoma of trachea with Robot assisted Thoracic surgery

Chennai, 25 July 2022: Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, the first & only Proton Therapy Centre in South Asia & the Middle East performed two unique robotic assisted surgeries to save lives of Bangladeshi patients suffering fr om cancer. Robot-assisted surgery integrates advanced computer technology with the experience of skilled sur geons to help the patient in smoother and faster recovery from major operations, reduce instances of infections, and patient’s length of stay at the facility.

First case to be witnessed in India in Peadiatric was of low grade Mucoepedermoid Carcinoma in lower end of trachea in a 14-year-old boy. He was presented with acute respiratory distress and was diagnosed with a trac heal tumour in Bangladesh, which was completely blocking the right main stem bronchus. At Apollo Proton Ca ncer Centre, under the care of Surgical Oncologist (Thoracic) & Robotic Surgeon, post evaluation with bronch oscopy, results showed residual tumour on the right anterolateral wall of the trachea about 2 cm from the cari na. To treat the disease, he underwent robotic-assisted tracheal resection and reconstruction plus comprehens                                                                                                                       ive mediastinal nodal dissection. Postoperatively, he recovered steadily without any complication and post-op bronchoscopy showed complete healing of the surgical site of the trachea.

A 53-year-old gentleman complained of bleeding per rectum with haemoglobin of 4 due to Colon Cancer. While discussing the case, it was discovered that he had history of Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) and had an angi oplasty done recently in March 2022 with ejection fraction of only 35 percent. Thorough analysis showc ased the case of thyroid cancer. The patients current condition posed high risk because of his cardiac status and dual malignancy. After cardiology consultation and anaesthesia consultation, he was treated with Robotic Rad ical Right Hemicolecotmy and conventional right Hemithyoidectomy by the Surgical Oncologist & Robotic Surgeon team.

 A surgical oncologist and robotic surgeon from Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, said, “I am extremely delighted with the recovery of the 53-year-old and glad that our efforts to recover dual cancers were successful. The deci sion to perform robotic surgery helped with early recovery and less blood loss. At APCC, high-risk cases are ma naged in a specialised tertiary centre with excellent facilities. The advanced surgical techniques and availab ility of technology have improved the chances of saving a patient’s life at even advanced stages and critical comp lications. “

 Another surgical oncologist (thoracic) and robotic surgeon from Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, said, “The case of the 14-year-old boy was the first one ever witnessed in India in peadiatric. The patient had been in a constant str uggle due to acute respiratory difficulty. The prior surgery he underwent of intra-bronchial incomplete resecti on/laserisation of the tumour made the case more critical and urgent. We decided to go for robotic-assisted tra cheal resection, reconstruction with 3 tracheal rings, and comprehensive mediastinal nodal dissection. This rob otic treatment enabled us to treat the patient quickly yet with the highest precision to ensure the fastest recove ry. On day 10, the tests showed complete healing of the surgical site of the trachea.”

On the occasion, Mr Harshad Reddy, Director- Operations, Group Oncology & Internatioanl, Apollo Proton Can cer Centre said, “At Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, we prioritise our patients over everything. The treatments are well cu stomised to ensure our patients are treated with finesse and recover steadily. When a patient onboards the journey to lead a cancer-free life, we hold their hands and stand by them. We hope that we continue to touch lives across the world. It is a matter of pride that patients from SAARC put their trust and life in the hands of doctors at Apollo.”

  In his address  Mr Harish Trivedi, Chief Executive Officer, Apollo Proton Cancer Centre quoted  that “The Apollo Proton Cancer Centre has the state-of-the-art dedicated Robot-Assisted Cancer Surgery Unit. It offers spec iali zed 360-degree care with the most advanced robotics system for complex surgeries. The robotic arms with endo wrists have a 360+270 degree manoeuvrability which is unmatched by the human hand. Robotic Surgery at Apol lo Proton Cancer Centre is built on the same platform of excellence and expertise. We are committed to provid ing patients with an exceptional experience using cutting-edge treatment options.


About Apollo Proton Cancer Centre (APCC), Chennai, India:

Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, the most advanced Cancer Centre and the first Proton Therapy Centre in South Asia & the Middle East and it is India’s first JCI accredited Cancer hospital.  At the bedrock of APCC’s approach treating cancer is its robust multi-disciplinary platform; highly skilled professionals who come together to form a cancer management team (CMT). Each CMT is focused on delivering the best possible outcomes for their pati ents. An added feather in the cap is the recent launch of the India’s first & only site-specific Robotic Oncology Program.