Ambaraathooni, a book of fifteen short stories written by writer lyricist kabilan vairamuthu

Ambaraathooni, a book of fifteen short stories written by writer lyricist kabilan vairamuthu

Kabilan Vairamuthu’s Ambaraathooni crosses the thousand mark in month one

Ambaraathooni, a book of fifteen short stories written by writer lyricist kabilan vairamuthu has achieved a mile stone. The book sales has crossed the thousand mark in the first month of launch. “It is a rare feet for a tamil fic tion to have such a reach in a short period, in the covid situation.This is a heartening proof that tamil readers hip for printed books is always alive and growing in a new way” says the delighted publisher vediyappan of discovery book palace. Reviews from many corners are pouring in appreciating the manner in which Kabilan Vairamuthu has crafted the stories with extensive research in a poetic style. Ambaraathooni is the author’s eleventh book.