Airtel Emerges as the Best Network in Tamil Nadu

Airtel Emerges as the Best Network in T amil Nadu

Airtel Emerges as the Best Network in T amil Nadu as per TRAI’s Independent Dr ive Test Report

Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 14th Feb 2025 – Bharti Airtel has reaffirmed its leadersh ip in network performance, delivering e xceptional voice and data connectivity i n Tamil Nadu, as per the latest TRAI Ind ependent Drive Test Report for Novemb ber 2024. The report highlights Airtel’s s uperior performance in call quality, relia bility, and data speeds, cementing its po sition as the preferred network in the st ate.

Airtel achieved a 100% call setup succes s rate (metric used in telecom networks to measure the percentage of successful ly established calls out of the total atte mpted calls), auto-selection mode (5G/ 4G/3G/2G), demonstrating its highly reli able voice network. Additionally, the ne twork recorded zero call drops across th e state, including key city locations and hotspot areas, ensuring an uninterrup pt ed calling experience for users. Airtel als oled the industry with the fastest call se tup time (time taken to mature a call aft er dialing, clocking in at just 0.41 second s, significantly ahead of competition.

Fur ther enhancing its voice quality cre dent ials, Airtel recorded an average Me an O pinion Score (MOS) (The Mean Opi nion Score (MOS) is a standard metric u sed t o measure the quality of voice and vide o communication services) of 4.06 (outo f 5), with 89.17% of calls rated as Excell ent, highlighting its crystal-clear voice e xperience. Additionally, Airtel maintain ed a 100% inter-operator call success ra te with competition ensuring seamless c onnectivity across networks.

In the realm of data performance, Airtel delivered an industry-leading average u pload speed of 42.12 Mbps, outpacing c ompetition. This high-speed connectivit y enables users to enjoy lag-free video c alls, faster cloud uploads, and seamless s ocial media experiences.

With these stellar results, Airtel continu es to set benchmarks in network excelle nce, offering its customers in Tamil Nad u an unmatched combination of reliabili lity, speed, and voice clarity. The compa ny’s continuous investments in network infrastructure and technological advanc ements reaffirm its commitment to prov iding world-class connectivity.