Adult immunisation is key to protect India’s 260 million ageing adults from vaccine preventable diseases

Adult immunisation is key to protect India’s 260 million ageing adults from vaccine preventable diseases

More than 95% deaths due to vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) have been reported in adults in India[1]

Chennai, 31st October, 2022: The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines healthy ageing as “the process of de veloping and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age.” The WHO has also recognised adult immunisation as one of the strategies for healthy ageing in their ‘Decade of Healthy Ageing – Baseline Report -2020’.

The Indian population is ageing rapidly with the number of people above 50 years of age expected to increase to 404 million in 2036 from 260 million in 2020[2], representing 27% of the country’s projected population. Ageing results in reduced immunity and makes older people vulnerable to infectious diseases such as pneumonia, influe nza, and shingles and their complications, but these can all be prevented with the help of vaccines[3].

Dr. Maya Vedamurthy, M.D, D.D., MAMS, FRCP (Edin), dermatologist at RSV Skin and Research Centre and Apollo Hos pitals, Greams Road, Chennai, says, “Infections in old age can lead to severe complications. My advice is that adults ab ove 50 years of age specially those who suffer from chronic conditions such as diabetes and those who are on medicat ions such as chemotherapy should take all the available vaccines for protection against infections. Shingles is one such inf ectious disease which, in older adults, can lead to debilitating pain and in some cases, vision loss and hearing loss. When a vaccine for shingles becomes available in India, all adults above 50 years of age must take it.”

In India, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular disea ses, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes contribute to more than hal f of the total disease burden[4]. Adults who suffer from such comorbidit ie s are more prone to VPDs. A report recently suggested that more than 95 % deaths due to VPDs in India occur in adults[5]. Not only are these diseas es debilitating, but they also tend to complicate the NCDs leading to incr ease d hospitalisation.

Vaccines have saved millions of lives through complete or almost-compl ete eradication of deadly diseases such as smallpox and polio. The concer ted effort to make paediatric vaccinations accessible to all children has yi elded measurable results. The need of the hour is to prioritise adult immunisation to save more lives and improve qual ity of life. These measures can also serve to reduce the economic burden of healthcare for individuals, caregiver s, and the nation.

[1] Vaccine-Preventable-Diseases-in-Indian-Adults-Burden-Prevention.pdf (

[2] Vaccination in Older Adults: An Underutilized Opportunity to Promote Healthy Aging in India | SpringerLink

[3] The need for vaccination in adults with chronic (noncommunicable) diseases in India – lessons from around the world – PubMed (

[4] Vaccination in Older Adults: An Underutilized Opportunity to Promote Healthy Aging in India | SpringerLink
