South African Tourism’s 21st Annual India Roadshow Lands in Chennai,

South African Tourism’s 21st Annual Ind ia Roadshow Lands in Chennai, Showcas ing 15% New Products to Foster Deeper Trade Partnerships

Indian travel demand for South Africa c ontinues to grow, with family, adventur e, and luxury segments leading the way
With 15% new products, Chennai roads how welcomed over 300 Indian travel tr ade agents in the city

Chennai, 19th March 2025: Building on the growing enthusiasm for travel, Sout h African Tourism launched the 21st edi tion of its Annual India Roadshow in che nnai. Led by Mr. Gcobani Mancotywa, R egional General Manager for Asia, Austr alia, and Middle East, South African Tou rism, the roadshow served as a strategic platform to strengthen business relatio nships, address evolving traveller prefer ences, and unlock new growth opportun ities.

With 40 exhibitors showcasing their off erings, the roadshow attracted participa tion from over 300 Indian travel trade a gents in the city. Strengthening its enga gement with the Indian market, the mul ti-city roadshow will now travel to Mum bai on March 20th 2025 fostering deepe er trade partnerships and driving outbo und tourism to South Africa.

Commenting during the roadshow, Mr.  Mancotywa stated, “India has always b een a high-priority market for South Afr ican Tourism, with strong demand from family travellers, adventure seekers,an and luxury tourists. While family travel remains a steady segment, we are now witnessing a significant rise in travelers above the age of 40 exploring South Afri ica. At the same time, the younger demo graphic presents a promising opportuni nity, and tapping into this segment will b e a key focus for us moving forward.”He continued, “In 2024, out of the 75,541 In dian tourists who visited South Africa, 3 .1% were from Chennai, reaffirming the city’s strong outbound potential. Bolly wood and cricket—two of India’s greate st passions—continue to be at the core of our strategic outreach. From hosting film productions to leveraging cricket’s deep-rooted influence, we aim to create stronger cultural connections that inspi re more Indian travelers to experience t he magic of South Africa. We remain co mmitted to deepening these ties and we lcoming more visitors from India to the Rainbow Nation”

Chennai continues to be a key source m arket for South African Tourism, with its travellers displaying strong preferences for both retail experiences and nature d riven adventures. In 2024, 22% of Chen nai-based travelers to South Africa expr essed a strong inclination towards shop ping, while 15% were drawn to natural a ttractions and wildlife experiences. This underscores a dual demand for leisure a nd exploration among Chennai’s outbou nd travellers. To tap into this evolving m arket, South African Tourism is actively engaging Chennai’s travel trade commu nity, ensuring that the destination’s dive erse offerings resonate with the city’s tr avel aspirations.

As part of ongoing efforts to streamline travel, South Africa’s new Electronic Tra vel Authorisation (ETA) system and the Trusted Tour Operator Scheme (TTOS) a re set to significantly enhance visa proc essing for Indian tourists. Additionally, d iscussions are progressing on establishi ng direct flight routes between the two  nations, a move expected to further boo st visitor numbers. Highlighting this, Mr. Mancotywa noted, “Travel convenience is a key factor in destination preference, and we are actively working with stakeh olders to improve connectivity and simp lify entry requirements for Indian travel lers.”

With South Africa set to assume the G2 0 Presidency in 2025, tourism plays a pi votal role in fostering global travel partn erships and driving sustainable growth. L ooking ahead, the tourism board remai ins committed to deepening its presenc e in India through sustained trade engag ement, consumer awareness initiatives, and innovative marketing strategies