HDFC Bank signs MoU with Indian Air Force

HDFC Bank signs MoU with Indian Air F orce and CSC Academy;

launches Project HAKK (Hawai Anubha vi Kalyan Kendra)

The Bank under its Parivartan program me will engage in building economic incl usiveness for defence service veterans a nd next of kin

New Delhi, March 05, 2025: HDFC Bank India’s leading private sector bank, toda y signed a Memorandum of Understandi ng (MoU) with the Indian Air Force actin g through the office of the Assistant Chi ef of Air Staff – Accounts & Air Veterans and CSC Academy. The day marked the l aunch of Project HAKK (Hawai Anubha vi Kalyan Kendra) – Serving those who h ave served. Project HAKK is designed to provide support and services to defence pensioners, veterans and their families.

Initially, 25 centres have been proposed across the Air Force units, which include New Delhi, Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Pune, S ecunderabad, Guwahati, Jodhpur and C handigarh among others.

HDFC Bank under its Parivartan progra mme, will engage in building economic i nclusiveness for defence service vetera ns and next of kin. The Bank in associati ion with CSC Academy (promoted by Co mmon Service Centre E-Governance Li mited), will provide skill development a nd training across financial products an d services, empowering them to be finan cially independent.

Esteemed dignitaries who were present during the signing of the MoU were Air Marshal PK Ghosh AVSM – Air officer in charge Administration, Ms. Smita Bhaga at, Group Head – HDFC Bank, Mr. Sanja y Rakesh, Chairman, CSC Academy and other senior officials from the Indian Air Force, HDFC Bank and CSC e Governan ce.

The MoU was signed by Mr. Satyen Mod i, Executive Vice President and Business Head, Alternate Banking Channels & Pa rtnerships – HDFC Bank, Air Vice Marsh al Updesh Sharma VSM – Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Accounts & Air Veteran s) and Mr. Pravin Chandekar, CEO-CSC Academy.

Speaking at the occasion, Ms. Smita Bha gat said, “This MoU underscores our co mmitment to the welfare of the Indian A ir Force veterans and their families. HDF C Bank deeply respects the contribution of the Armed Forces towards the countr y and through these centres, we aim to o ffer essential banking services to ex-ser vicemen and the families of both ex-ser vicemen and martyrs.”

Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Sanjay Ra kesh said, “We are honoured to be of ass istance to those who served us by bringi ng G2C and SPARSH pension services to the doorsteps of our Air Force veterans, their families and next of kin, we reinfo rce our commitment to their welfare”.

Defence servicemen / ex-servicemen an d their families will be able to avail more than 500 G2C and B2C services includi ng Aadhaar service, NPS, PAN Card, pas sport, bill collection, etc. HDFC Bank wil l set up service centres to assist the pen sioners / next of kin for pension / settle ment related issues. Further, they will al so get access to HDFC Bank’s suite of pr oducts and services along with digital ba nking products, offering them conveniec e and easy access.

As a part of this MoU, HDFC Bank will pl ay a key role in facilitating and engaging with the defence employees / veterans a nd their families across the country. The individuals managing the service centre s will be trained by CSC Academy and a monthly monetary grant will be paid to them for the first year.

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