~KYN LIVE– Chennai’s Biggest Fusion C oncert at YMCA Grounds~
Chennai, March 18, from 2025: KYN (Kn ow Your Neighbourhood), a leading neig hbourhood discovery and connectivity a pp, hosted an exclusive Meet & Greet at Phoenix Marketcity, Chennai, ahead of t he much-anticipated KYN LIVE– Chenn ai’s Biggest Fusion Concert happening o n March 29, 2025, at YMCA Grounds, N andanam. The concert will be featuring an electrifying lineup of artists including Pradeep Kumar, Andrea Jeremiah, Paal Dabba and Asal Kolaar.
The Meet and Greet was hosted at Pho enix Marketcity with the performing ar tists in attendance, giving fans a unique opportunity to interact with their favori te stars before their big performances. T he event witnessed a gathering of over 500 audience, making it a grand display of music and celebration.
On speaking about the KYN LIVE concer t, Gayathri Thyagarajan,CEO & Founder Kynhood Technologies said, “KYN is the go-to platform to bring residents closer to what’s happening around them in the ir local neighbourhood- from news, even nts, shopping, deals and communities.
We launched Events Listing as a feature in December 2024, and have already ho sted 200+ onground events till date. The Events listing feature has over 15000 tic kets sold through the platform. With 60 0+ events listed, of which 65% are hyper local, KYN is paving the way for hyperlo cal connectivity in Chennai. As part of th is incredible journey, KYN is proud to la unch KYN LIVE- a first of it’s kind Music Fusion Concert in Chennai. With 4 talen ted artists performing on one stage, the concert offers a unique opportunity to b ring together a vibrant community, cele brate creativity, and provide an unforge ttable experience for our audience. Wit h close to 70% tickets already sold throu gh the platform, we are expecting 1900 0 people to attend the event.” The artist s took time to share their excit ement ab out the upcoming concert and connect with their fans.
Playback singer Andrea, while greeting the attendees sa id, “I’m thrilled to be a part of KYN LIVE! The fusion concert is a fresh and exciting concept, and it gets even more special because it’s the first t ime the four of us – each from different performing styles-have collaborated. Be ing able to perform in Chennai, my hom etown, makes this experience more mea ningful. I can’t wait to share this unique musical journey with the audience”.
Rapper Paal Dabba who is taking the Ta mil music industry by storm, while addr essing the audience, said “I have mostly been a spectator, watching concerts aft er concerts giving me a clear perspectiv ive. This is a great platform for my kind of music to be noticed. I’m indeed looki ng forward to sharing the stage with my peer talented musicians like Andrea, Pra deep and Asal Kolaar.”
Chennai’s Biggest Fusion Concert – KYN LIVE will take place on March 29, 2025, at YMCA Grounds, Nandanam, from 6:3 0 PM onwards. Attendees can expect hi gh-energy performances and captivatin g music from a lineup of artists including Pradeep Kumar, Andrea Jeremiah, Paal Dabba and Asal Kolaar. Tickets are avail able exclusively on the KYN App.
KYN is an innovative NEIGHBOURHOOD DISCOVERY AND CONNECTIVITY PLATFORM that aims to foster a SENSE OF BELONGING and connection in a digital world that often feels isolating.
In response to India’s rapidly evolving ur ban landscape, KYN addresses the grow ing need for localised digital spaces that provide granular, convenient, and releva nt information to users within their imm ediate surroundings. KYN’s omni-chann el approach helps local communities sta y informed, entertained, and connected in ways that are both convenient and val uable.
Users can effortlessly discover relevant local happenings, events, and businesses without having to sift through irrelevan t content. By partnering with KYN, busi nesses can efficiently reach hyperlocal audiences, thus eliminating the inefficie ncies and high costs associated with bro ader digital marketing tools like social m edia platforms.
The KYN app launched in February 202 4 and currently has nearly 10 lakh insta lls, an average DAU of 75K, 85+ brand p artners, supporting 1200 hyperlocal bu sinesses and has onboarded 400+ small businesses for various KYN initiatives.
The app launched its events listing featu ure in December 2024, and has already hosted 200+ onground events till date. The Events listing feature has over 1500 0 tickets sold through the platform. Wit h 600+ events listed, of which 65% are h yperlocal, KYN is paving the way for hyp erlocal connectivity in Chennai.