The film *City of Dreams*, based on a tru e incident that happened in the United States,
Its producer Rufus Parker said,
When India is shown abroad as a film or documentary, it is portrayed as a symbol of poverty, children suffering from hung ger, and beggars in slums.
At the same time, when they look at for eign countries like America, they amaze the world by showing it as some kind of paradise. But the English film *City of Dr eams* has shown the world that there is another side to America. Children under the age of 18 who are trafficked from dif ferent countries are kept as slaves and u sed as tailors. Various atrocities are com mitted, such as twelve-hour work, beati ngs, whippings, and caning.
The film City of Dreams has exposed the sexual haras sment of young women, th e production of pornographic films and various illegal activities. . I have been wa iting for many years to make the film to expose this atr ocity happening in Amer ica to the world d. After many struggles, this film was rel eased in America and ca used a huge stir. Famous heroes there ar e shocked that s uch atrocities are happ ening in America ica, which is said to be the paradise of th e world. The film is no w going to be rele aased in India, that is, all over the world. …