Australia showcases its world-class Ed ucation and Premium F&B Products at the Festival of Australia event in Chen nai.
Chennai, 14 March 2025: The Australia n Trade and Investment Commission (Au strade) organised the second phase of “F estival of Australia,” a first-of-its-kind fo ur-city showcase celebrating Australia’s world-class education and premium foo d and beverage products.
The second phase, which started in Che nnai on 14 March 2025, brought togeth er top-quality Australian universities an d retail partners on a single platform.
Following Chennai, the festival will be h eld in Pune (16 March), Ahmedabad (20 March), and New Delhi (22 March).
The Chennai showcase provided an inva luable opportunity for Indian students a nd parents to engage directly with repre sentatives of Australian universities to e xplore educational programs designed t o support their academic and career asp irations.
Prospective students gained insights on Studying in Australia by attending the fo llowing masterclasses organised as a par t of the showcase:
Academic Masterclass on Artificial Inte lligence (AI) in Construction – Are You R eady for Transformation? presented by Professor Kenneth Tak Wing You, Profe ssor in Construction at the School of Bui lt Environment, UNSW Sydney.
Insight Masterclass on Eternal Dilemma : What, Where & How to Choose the Rig ht University? presented by Ms Bhawna Kumar, Academic Director, Australian S chool of Global Studies which is an exte nded arm of Education Centre of Austra alia.
Pep talk with Ms Prabha Dixit, Co-Foun der and Additional Head of School at Ak shar Arbol International School, Alumna from Australia’s Monash University. The
e festival also showcased an offering of premium food products including honey, nutrition bars, sauces, cheese, pasta, sea food, and lamb at the Australia Food pav ilion.
Austrade collaborated with Jio Mart to set up an ‘Australia Pavilion’ on theire co mmerce platform and Chennai based re tailer Amma Naana to promote a range of Australian products at the food pavili on.
Live cooking demonstrations at the fest ival offered guests an opportunity to tas te dishes prepared using premium Austr alian ingredients, providing firsthand ex perience of the country’s finest culinary delights.
Speaking about the festival, Mr Vik Sing h, Trade and Investment Commissioner South Asia, Austrade, said, “We are ver y happy to host the second phase of the festival, showcasing Australia’s excellen ce in education and cuisine. Through thi s event, we aim to raise awareness and create new opportunities for Indian stu dents, families, and food enthusiasts to explore Australia as a leading destinatio n for top-tier education and fine dining experiences. The growing presence of A ustralian produce in Indian cuisine is a testament to the increasing demand for high-quality ingredients.”
Australia and India’s educational ties ha ve deepened over the years, fostering st rong economic and cultural connections that continue to grow. The Festival of A ustralia strengthens Australia’s presenc e in India and celebrates a shared commi tment to cross-cultural appreciation an d collaboration.
About The Australian Trade and Invest ment Commission
The Australian Trade and Investment Co mmission (Austrade) is the Australian G overnment’s international trade pro mo tion and investment attraction agency. We deliver quality trade and investment services to businesses to grow Austra li a’s prosperity. We do this by generating and providing market information and i insights, promoting Australian capabilty ity, and facilitating connections through our extensive global network.
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