Apollo Women’s Hospital celebrates a decade of excellence

Apollo Women’s Hospital celebrates a d ecade of excellence in Obstetrics, Gynae cology & Neonatal Care

Chennai, 12 March 2025: In yet another accomplishment by an iconic healthcare brand, Apollo Women’s Hospital celebra ted 10 years of excellence, dedication a nd innovation in women’s healthcare to day.

The Hospital  that was founded with a vi sion to create a center that provides wo rld-class care to mothers and newborns  has been ensuring safe deliveries, leadin ng high-risk interventions and guiding tr eatment towards best possible outcome s. That vision has transformed today int o a legacy of hope, healing and medical excellence.

This milestone is a testament not just to the Hospital’s growth but to the countle ss lives the brand has touched over the p ast decade. This is exemplified by the fac t that the Obstetrics team has successfu lly completed over 7500 deliveries whil e the Gynaecological team has performe ed over 33,000 surgeries with excellenc e.

Ms. Suneeta Reddy, Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals Group said, “We celebr ate this 10-year milestone with a deep s ense of pride and responsibility. This is n ot just a celebration of the past but a co mmitment to the future. We will contin ue to push the boundaries of medical ex cellence, embrace innovation, and provi de the highest quality care to every mot her and newborn who walks through ou r doors. I commend our incredible team of doctors, nurses, and healthcare profe essionals and thank them for their unw avering dedication, expertise, and comp assion. We have truly transformed coun tless lives through our patient-centric m odel of care.”

The Hospital has guided many medical miracles since its inception in 2015. It ha s successfully delivered quadruplets, im planted pacemakers in newborns and na vigated other critical conditions. The Ho spital has also expanded its IVF services  bringing hope to families and helping th them fulfill their dreams of parenthood.

The Hospital soon plans to launch a Cos metic Gynaecology Clinic to revitalize w omen’s intimate well-being and address the unique concerns women patients m ay have. It also promises more advanced training in the Ob-Gyn discipline and ne onatal care in the years to come. The Ho spital currently runs multiple academic programmes with a 100% pass rate.

About Apollo Hospitals:

In 1983, Dr. Prathap C Reddy made a pio neering endeavor by launching India’s fi rst corporate hospital – Apollo Hospitals in Chennai. Now, as Asia’s foremost trus ted integrated healthcare group, its pres ence includes over 12,000 beds across 7 2 hospitals and 5,000 pharmacies. The g roup operates more than 400 primary c are clinics, 1,228 diagnostic centers, 70 0-plus teleclinics, and over 15 medical e ducation centers, along with a Research Foundation focusing on global clinical t rials. The most recent investment was t he commissioning of South East Asia’s v ery first Proton Therapy Centre in Chen nnai.

Every four days, the Apollo Hospitals Gr oup serves a million lives in its mission t o bring healthcare of international stan dards within the reach of every individu ual. In a rare honour, the Government of India issued a commemorative stamp in recognition of Apollo’s contribution, the first for a healthcare organization.

Apollo Hospitals Chairman, Dr. Prathap C Reddy, was conferred with the prestig ious Padma Vibhushan in 2010. For 40y ears, the Apollo Hospitals Group has co ntinuously excelled and maintained lead ership in medical innovation, world class clinical services, and cutting-edge techn ology. Its hospitals are consistently rank ed amongst the best hospitals in the cou ntry for advanced medical services.