Blue Star expands its comprehensive range of Commercial Refrigeration

Blue Star expands its comprehensive ra nge of Commercial Refrigeration solutio ions to meet growing demands

Blue Star Limited has announced the lau unch of an extensive range of commerci rcial refrigeration products for the sum mer of 2025, specifically designed to me et diverse refrigeration needs.   

With a strong focus on growth, the Com pany plans to expand its commercial ref frigeration business and capitalise on th e rising opportunities in the country.

Comprehensive range of Commercial Re frigeration solutions

With a rich legacy of over 80 years and e xpert domain knowledge, Blue Star has developed a wide portfolio consisting of cold chain products and solutions that c ater to the entire spectrum of segments, which include Horticulture, Floriculture, Banana Ripening, Dairy, Ice Cream, Poul try, Processed Foods, Quick Service Res taurants, HoReCa, Sericulture, Marine, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare. The po rtfolio includes deep freezers, storage w ater coolers, bottled water dispensers, v isi coolers/freezers, cold rooms and a ra nge of other refrigeration products to pr ovide complete solutions across various industries.

Deep Freezers

Blue Star’s deep freezer range offers op timal cooling performance down to -26 °C, is fully tropicalised, energy-efficient, and features convertible cooling modes that switch between cooler and freezer. Available in multiple colour variants wi th a digital temperature controller, thes se freezers come in capacities ranging fr om 60L to 600L. The cooler cum freezer has a capacity of 375L, while bottle cool ers range from 300L to 500L, and glass t op deep freezers come in 100L to 600L o ptions. The extensive range of storage c apacities allows Blue Star to serve a wid e customer base across industries such a s Dairy, Ice cream, Frozen food, Restaur ants, Convenience stores, Hospitality, a nd Supermarkets. Prices for these deep freezers start at an attractive Rs 16,000 /- onwards.

Storage Water Coolers

As demand grows for reliable chilled wa ter solutions, Blue Star’s storage water c oolers are designed to meet the needs o f educational institutions, corporate offi fices, and commercial establishments. E quipped with a sturdy compressor for fa st cooling, food-grade stainless steel inn er tanks, eco-friendly refrigerants, and a speedy drainage system with an extra-la rge stainless steel water tray to prevent splashing, these coolers provide all-year ar-round comfort. Available in capacitie es from 15L to 120L, the range is ideal fo r diverse applications.

Bottled Water Dispenser

Blue Star’s bottled water dispensers co me in various models offering hot, cold, a nd normal water dispensing. These uni ts feature a food-grade stainless steel ta nk, low power consumption, and a child-lock on the hot water faucet for added s afety. The bottom loading dispenser ran ge provides the convenience of easy wat er jar storage and refilling, eliminating t he need for heavy lifting.

Visi Coolers/Freezers

The visi coolers are designed not only to keep beverages and perishables fresh b ut also to provide an attractive display s olution for retail outlets, restaurants, an d commercial spaces. They ensure unifo rm cooling and come with interior LED li ghts, tropicalisation for harsh ambient t emperatures, and a backlit canopy to en hance brand visibility. The visi coolers ra nge includes models from 50L to 1200L, while the visi freezer is available in a 45 0L capacity, featuring uniform cooling, a double-glazed tempered glass door with Low-E for superior insulation, clear visib ility, and a frost-free display.

Cold rooms

Blue Star’s cold room solutions are craft ted using the latest technology and dura ble materials, giving cutting-edge featur es to cater to a variety of temperature s ensitive requirements. Integrated cold room solutions envisage pre-engineered PUF insulated panels along with hermet etic, semi-hermetic, and rack refrigerati on systems. The Company has also intro duced inverter-based refrigeration unit s, cold chain solutions for warehousing a nd logistics, and IoT systems to strength en its cold room offerings.

Other refrigeration products

The Company also offers a wide range o f kitchen refrigeration solutions, includi ng reach-in chillers & freezers, blast free zers, back bar chillers, undercounters, ic e machines, and saladettes. For personal and professional spaces, the 50L mini ba r range is compact, efficient, and elegant ly designed.

Blue Star’s Healthcare Refrigeration sol utions are designed to meet the critical  demands of medical and pharmaceutical storage. The range includes pharmacy re frigerators, ultra-low temperature freez ers, ice-lined refrigerators, and vaccine t ransporters, catering to diverse medical and pharmaceutical storage needs.

The Supermarket Retail Refrigeration R ange includes multideck chillers and fre ezers in sizes ranging from 4 ft to 12 ft, a vailable in both plug-in and remote type s. These units offer advanced features li ke multiplexing options for flexible confi gurations and energy-saving night curta ins. Additionally, pastry showcases com e with front double-glass and heating wi res to prevent fogging.

Expanding manufacturing footprint

Blue Star’s entire range of deep freezers and water coolers are manufactured at t he Company’s state-of-the-art plants in Wada and Ahmedabad, reinforcing its c ommitment to the ‘Make in India, Make for the Globe’ initiative. The Wada plant has an installed production capacity of 3 L deep freezers and 1L water coolers, w hile the Ahmedabad plant has a dedicat ed capacity for deep freezers of 1L units . The Wada plant also manufactures col d room panels, evaporating units, and co ondensing units.

Sustainable Technologies

As a leader in energy efficiency, sustaina bility, and eco-friendliness, Blue Star’s R &D and product development teams foc cus on customer-centric designs and en vironmentally friendly products. The Co mpany uses low-GWP refrigerants and e co-friendly insulation blowing agents, a first-of-its-kind in India. The Company c ontinues to be recognised by the Gover nment of India for adopting greener tec hnologies that are ahead of its curve. Th e Wada plant which manufactures deep freezers is also platinum certified by Ind dian Green Building Council.

R&D Infrastructure

Blue Star has significantly enhanced its R&D infrastructure, with facilities inclu ding NABL-accredited deep freezer testi ng labs and AHRI-certified testing labs.  The Company has filed numerous paten ts and design registrations, with many m ore in the pipeline. Through its robust R &D setup, Blue Star has been integratin ng cutting-edge global technologies into its new product developments.

Expanding Distribution and Service Net work

Blue Star’s 2100 sales and service chann el partners are trained to sell, install, an d maintain refrigeration products across 900 towns. The Company is India’s leadi ng after-sales service provider for both air conditioning and commercial refrige ration, offering a Gold Standard progra mme that includes 24/7 customer suppo ort, service on wheels, mobile apps, and technical expertise. The Company is ma king significant investments in its servic e infrastructure and CRM software to fu rther enhance its customer service capa bilities.