Inauguration of ‘SIMS Penmai’ Centre,

Inauguration of ‘SIMS Penmai’ Centre,

Inauguration of ‘SIMS Penmai’ Centre, which provides comprehensive medical services to women

Chennai, March 12- SIMS Hospital toda y inaugurated ‘SIMS Penmai’, a state-of-the-art comprehensive women’s wellne ss care centre to provide comprehen si ve health advice and medical treatment to women of all ages.

The centre was inaugurated by renowne d actress Urvashi along with her daught er Tejalakshmi Jayan in the presence of SRM Group Chairman Dr. Ravi Pachamu thu.

Providing comprehensive medical servic ces for women’s health and well-being, ‘SIMS Penmai Centre will operate by fo cusing on every aspect of their well-bein ng. A unique centre for women, it has a t eam of highly qualified doctors and stat e-of-the-art medical equipment to impr ove the health of women at every stage of their lives.


It will integrate all four areas – medical advice for women, all types of treat men t for newborns, specialized care from ad olescence to post-menopause, and valu e-based healthcare.

On the occasion of the inauguration of t his new centre, 100 people who book at SIMS Vadapalani will be provided with f ree obstetrics and gynecology consultat tion, free ultrasound scan, PAP smears a t 50 percent discount and free semen an alysis.

Speaking after inaugurating the centre, actress Urvashi said, “I would like to con gratulate the SIMS Hospital manageme nt and its talented team of doctors for st arting this centre with the welfare of w omen in mind. Over the years, women h ave moved away from the usual work an d lifestyle and are now holding senior po sitions in various organisations. They fin d it very difficult to balance their life an d work, and do not pay attention to thei r health.

Society – be it the government, the priv ate sector, hospitals or other institution s – is making many efforts to make the li ves of women easier. However, we still h ave a long way to go. Women’s health is not only a matter of concern to them, bu t also a matter of concern to the entire s ociety, starting from the family, commun nity and workplace. Therefore, I would li ke to express my gratitude to SIMS Hos pital for this initiative taken by them wit h concern for their welfare and request all women to make good use of it. Other hospitals should also take up such an ini tiative. Taking care of women’s health is taking care of the country. I extend my best wishes to everyone here.

SRM Group Chairman Dr. Ravi Pachamu thu said that this center has been opene ed here based on the mission of SIMS H ospitals to provide the best medical serv ices to everyone. SIMS is a unique initiat tive taken by this hospital to provide qu ality medical services to women throug h femininity. He said that since the incep tion of our SIMS Hospital, we have been working with the main objective of prov iding the best and complete medical ser vices to everyone who comes to us.

He further said that medical consultatio ns and treatments will be provided here to women of all ages. He also said that tr ransparency,experienced doctors and lo w fees are the specialties of this center.

Dr. Sandhya Vasan, Head and Senior Co nsultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, said that the newly opened center will address all the health issues affecting women. She said that this ded dicated center is the need of the hour fo or women who neglect their health.

Dr. Erica Patel, Medical Head and Senior Consultant, IVF Unit, said, “SIMS Hospit als has state-of-the-art medical infrastr ucture for accurate diagnosis of disease es, which enables the team of medical e xperts to provide the right treatment pr otocols. Along with providing advanced care, the doctors said that SIMS Penmai will prioritize personal healthcare for w omen, as many of them do not even repo port their problems even today, while th ey suffer in silence. Hence, this centre h as been opened for them,” she said.

SIMS Hospital has inaugurated the ‘SIM S Penmai’ centre, marking a milestone in women’s healthcare. It reaffirms SIM S Hospital’s commitment to holistic, pati ient care and, with its clinical expertise, i nnovation and compassion, there is no d oubt that SIMS Penmai will become a ce ntre of excellence for women’s health an d wellbeing.