Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Au thority of India join hands with Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) to make a coll ective commitment to invest in and pro mote women’s health and fitness as part of the International Women’s Day (IW D) celebrations 2025
- Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, Former Governor of Telangana and Former Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry presided over as the Chief Guest and shared her keynote address on “Stronger Her, Healthier Future”
- A Seminar on “For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment” was held at World Headquarters of Heartfulness, Hyderabad
- More than 2000 women participants attended the extended IWD celebrations at SRCM, Manapakkam, Chennai
Chennai, March 9, 2025
Sports Authority of India (SAI), under th e Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports jo ined hands with Shri Ram Chandra Missi on (SRCM) to celebrate International W omen’s Day 2025 by prioritizing Women ’s well-being with “Stronger Her, Health ier Future”, as the theme for 2025.
Making a collective commitment towar ds promoting women’s health and fitnes ss they jointly organised a seminar on “F or ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equalit y. Empowerment”, which was held at the World Headquarters of Heartfulness in Hyderabad. The Chennai centre of SRC M at Manapakkam witnessed over 2000 women participants taking part in exten nded series of events on health, fitness a nd wellness.
Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, Former Gov ernor of Telangana and Former Lieutena nt Governor of Puducherry presided ov er as the Chief Guest and delivered her keynote address.
Speaking on the occasion Dr Shree Ver ma, CMD, Wellness by Heartfulness ex pressed his extreme delight in collabor ating with the Sports Authority of India to meaningfully contribute to their Fitn ess India Women’s Week celebrations b y offering the services of certified & exp erienced trainers at free of cost to cond uct mental wellness and meditation pro grams for the participants at the event.
Furthermore, Dr Verma spoke at length about the importance of collective com mitment to invest in women’s health. “T his is not just a personal responsibility f or women but a societal one too. Govern ments, healthcare systems, workplaces, and communities must work together to ensure that women have access to healt hcare, education, and the resources the ey need. A woman’s health is not just ab out her personal well-being; it influence es her family, her community, and societ y at large. When women are healthy phy sically, mentally, and emotionally they b ecome unstoppable forces of change an d empowerment. Strength is often asso ciated with endurance, resilience, and th e ability to withstand hardship. Howeve ver, true strength comes from well bein g. A woman who is physically healthy ha s the energy to pursue her goals. A wom an who is emotionally balanced can navi gate life’s challenges with clarity. A wom an who prioritizes her mental health can contribute her best to society”.
“Despite their remarkable strength, wo men face numerous health challenges th at often go unaddressed. Many of these health challenges are preventable and manageable if women have access to th e right information, resources, and supp ort. But more importantly, women need to feel empowered to prioritize their he alth without guilt. Also, conversations a bout menstrual health, reproductive ca re, and mental well-being that are often avoided due to stigma, lead to misinfor rmation, delayed diagnosis, and untreat ated conditions. They should be encour aged to reach out to preventive health c are measures like regular check-ups, scr eenings, and holistic wellness practices” he added.
Dr Verma shared a few simple yet powe rful Ayurvedic practices that could enha nce a woman’s vitality:
- Morning hydration: Drinking wa rm water with lemon to aid dige estion and detoxification.
- Nourishing foods: Incorporating whole, plant-based, and seasona nal foods to support hormonal b alance.
- Daily movement: Yoga, walking, or other gentle exercises to mai ntain energy and reduce stress.
- Mental wellness: Mindful pra ctices such as meditation, bre athing exercises, and self-care routines.
- Women’s health is not just abo ut addressing illnesses; it is abo ut nurturing lifelong wellness so that women can thrive, not just survive” he concluded.
Women’s health is not just about addre ssing illnesses; it is about nurturing lifel ong wellness so that women can thrive, not just survive” he concluded.