Chennai, 8 March 2025: Phoenix Marke tcity and Palladium Chennai, hosted an i nspiring and thought-provoking Women s Day celebration, bringing together po werful voices for an afternoon of engagi ng discussions and insightful conversati ions. The event saw an enthusiastic turn nout as attendees gathered to listen, lea rn, and celebrate the achievements of women from diverse backgrounds.
The highlight of the event was an exclus ive and candid conversation with renow ned actress.
Regina Cassandra, who shared her expe riences as a woman in the entertainmen nt industry. A versatile and award-winni ng performer known for her impactful r oles in Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada cine ma, Regina engaged in a deep and insig htful discussion about her journey, chall enges, and the importance of resilience and determination in achieving success.
Adding to the richness of the event, two impactful panel discussions brought to gether experts to share their insights on holistic well-being and professional equ ilibrium.
HUSTLE – HEART – BALANCE: This sess ion focused on work-life balance and fe atured expert panelists Dr. Purnima Se shadri, Dr. Vaishnavi Chandramohan, an d Shweta Bothra. The discussion provid ded valuable perspectives on managing careers, personal aspirations, and overa ll well-being.
MIND – BODY – COMMUNITY: This enli ghtening discussion on nurturing wellne ss and inspiring change was led by Man si Gandhi, a Mental Fitness Coach and Dr. Sunitha Raja, Dental Surgeon and a L ifestyle Medicine Professional. The pan ellists shed light on the importance of m ental and physical health, self-care, and building a supportive community.
The event fostered a vibrant exchange of ideas, leaving attendees inspired and equipped with valuable insights on men tal well-being, career growth, and holist ic health. It was a celebration of streng t h, resilience, and the power of shared ex xperiences.
With initiatives like these, Phoenix Mar ketcity reaffirms its commitment to cre ating meaningful engagements that emp ower and uplift communities. The Wom en’s Day celebration was a shining exam mple of how dialogue and collaboration can drive positive change, making every voice count.
About Phoenix Marketcity:
A premier destination for luxury lifestyl e, it provides guests with a variety of op ulent options. Phoenix continues to be “The” destination for the most affluent and sophisticated residents of the city as well as expats thanks to its truly inte rnational appearance and feel, elegantly decorated interiors, and the best of foo d, fashion, and entertainment from acro ss the world. The mall provides Chennai with the most extensive and appealing li festyle shopping experience. The stores represent a comprehensive mix of inter national, national, and regional luxury b rands. Phoenix Marketcity in Chennai is more than simply a mall; it’s a conflunce ence of fascinating cultures, lovely cloth othes, and high-end couture. A city with in a city, in an urban setting with coexist ing shopping, entertainment, and leisure options.