*KRIA LAW’S “IP and Music: Feel the beat of IP”

KRIA LAW’S “IP and Music: Feel the bea t of IP” Curtain-Raiser Event!*

KRIA Law organized a half-day event tit led “IP and Music: Feel the Beat of IP” o n March 1, 2025. This event served as a precursor to the upcoming Annual Meet ing hosted by the International Trade m ark Association, which is scheduled to ta ke place in San Diego, California, from M ay 17 to May 21, 2025.

The event witnessed the presence of a d iverse group of professionals from the m usic industry attended the event, includ ing: Mr. Atul Churamani, Managing Dire ctor of Turnkey Music and Publishing Pv t. Ltd. and former Vice President of SaR eGaMa India Ltd. Mr. Sanjay Wadhwa, Managing Director of AP International. Mr. Sridhar J. Swaminathan, Secretary o f the South India Music Companies Asso sociation (SIMCA). Mr. Anil Srinivasan, a National Award-winning classical piani st and entrepreneur. Ms. Rumpa Banerje e, Head of Marketing and Communicati ons at the Indian Performing Right Socie ty (IPRS). Mr. Dhananjay, representing t he Tamil Film Active Producers Associat tion (TFAPA). Mr. Vipin Mishra, Honorar y Treasurer of the Music Composers Ass ociation of India (MCAI). Mr. Santhoshk Kumar, Vice President of Think Music, n ow part of Believe Music. Mr. Balasubra amanian Parasuraman, Station and Sale s Head at Fever FM, Radio One Network k. Mr. Srinivasan, an award-winning play back singer and former Director of the I ndia Singers and Musicians Rights Assoc ciation. Mr. Haricharan, an Indian playba back singer. Mr. Sumesh Narayanan, an award-winning multi-percussionist.

The panelists and celebrities engaged in a discussion, offering their perspectives and reflections on the Rights of Indepen dent Artists, Labels, and Producers, the Role of Music Organizations and Societi es, the influence of AI on Film and Com mercial Music, as well as the complexit ies of Balancing Licenses.

The occasion was embellished with musi cal feast as the National award-winning pianist Anil Srinivasan and Sumesh Nara yanan, Award-Winning Multi-Percussio onist exhibited their colossal performan ce.