The joint venture aims to take Annapoo rna masalas across India

Chennai, March 4th, 2025: Gemini Edibl es and Fats India Ltd, India’s No 1 Sunflo ower oil company with 21.7% All India Market Share (Freedom & Be-Rite) and Coimbatore-based Sree Annapoorna Fo ods, one of country’s oldest spice proces essing brands, have formed a joint ventu ure – GEF Foods India Pvt Ltd – to make a nd distribute masalas, meal mixes and m ore. Over the years, Sree Annapoorna F oods has captured the essence of the pr ecise tastes of regional dishes and has b een bringing the richness, the authentic city and traditional techniques of home-cooked food from across the country to the plates. Their specialty products incl lude pure spices, regional blends, blend ed spices and biryani masalas.

On the joint venture, Akshay Chowdhry, Group Vice President, Gemini Edibles a nd Fats India Ltd, said, “We are thrilled to join hands with Sree Annapoorna Foo ds and launch GEF foods India Pvt Ltd. B oth our organisations follow the highest standards of professionalism and wish t o give customers a multi-sensory experi ence of cooking and eating, while also re lishing our rich culinary culture.

Gemini Edibles and Fats India is enterin g the spices business through GEF foods Pvt Ltd as part of its diversification strat egy. Sharing his thoughts, Chandra Shek hara Reddy, Senior Vice President – Sale s and Marketing, said, “Sree Annapoorn a Foods is an iconic brand and with a wh ole range of masalas catering to differen t tastes of the consumers. With an expe rience of 50 years, Annapoorna masalas and spices carry a rich legacy. This joint venture will benefit from the deep mark et knowledge and distribution network of GEF India and help Annapoorna masa las grow its presence.”

On the joint venture, Vijay Prasad, Man aging Partner of Sree Annapoorna Fooo ds and CEO of GEF Food India Pvt Ltd, said, “We are elated to partner with GEF India to do deliver healthy and tasty ma salas to consumers. As the pioneer in th e spices industry, we will continue to del iver the best. Backed by GEF India’s stro ong distribution network, Annapoorna masalas would soon be available across India. With growing culinary culture, in creased health awareness and rise of e-commerce platforms, the demand for o rganic and premium spices is rising. Bra nd Annapoorna has always been synony mous with quality, and we wish to build further on that by emphasizing on quali ty sourcing and eco-friendly packaging initiatives.”

About Gemini Edibles & Fats India Limit ed (GEF India)

Gemini Edibles & Fats India Limited (GE F India) is a Hyderabad-based company engaged in manufacturing, distributing, and branding of edible oils and specialty fats in India. The company operates thre e port-based manufacturing facilities on the eastern coast of India, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, with two facilities in K akinada and one facility in Krishnapatna m. GEF India is a subsidiary of Golden A gri-Resources (GAR), one of the world’s largest vegetable oil companies and the highest importer of sunflower oil for se veral years. GEF India owns Freedom br and which is India’s No. 1 selling sun flo wer oil brand in India (Source: Neilsen M AT Feb’24 ROCP) & Be-rite sunflower oil in Tamil Nadu.