Sabdham Tamil Movie Review

Sabdham Tamil Movie Review

Cast -:

Aadhi as Rooban, lakshmi menon as Ava nthika, Simran as Diana, Laila as Nancy Daniel ,Redin kingsley as Arokiyam, M S Bhasker as Antony ,Rajiv menon as Dani el Vivek, Prasanna as Deepak, Abhinaya as Mother and others.

Crew -:

Written & Directed by: Arivazhagan Mu sic : Thaman S Producer : 7G Siva CoPro oducer : S.Banupriya Siva Banner : 7G Fi lms In Association with : Aalpha Frames Our Business Partners: Revanza Global Ventures PVT LTD, T3 Streaming PVT L TD Director of Photography : Arun Bath hmanaban Editor : Sabu Joseph VJ Lyrics : Viveka Stunts : Stunner Sam Art Direct tor : Manoj Kumar DI: Pixel Light Studio Colorist : Ranga Costume Designers : So nika Grover/ Pradeepa Costumes : PR G anesh Makeup : Shanmugam PRO : Sathi ish Kumar (S2 Media) Stills: D Maneksha Publicity Designer : Pawan Marketing a nd Promotions : DEC Sound Design: Syn c Cinema Audiography : T Uday Kumar Visual Effects : DTM Lavan / B.Senguttu van Production Supervisor: Nithin Exec cutive Producer: R Balakumar Core Dire ec tion Team: : Kumar Ramasamy.N, Sen thilkumar Veerapan, Ramachandran, Ra vichandran .R, Melbin Ravi, Vishnu Rajk umar, Kavin Ko, Bijish T.P and others .

Story -:

Two medical students commit suicide in a mysterious manner in a medical colleg e hostel in Munnar. The college administ ration summons Adhi, a ghost researche r from Mumbai, to find out. Adhi starts t he work of finding out by using the soun ds of ghosts with some kind of special de vice. Then Adhi discovers that Lakshmi Menon, who works as a medical student there, is related to these suicides. In this situation, another medical student also commits suicide. Lakshmi Menon is still at the crime scene. What happened afte r that? Who is responsible for all these s uicides? Why is this happening? The rest of the story of the film is.

Watch The Video- :

Movie Review -:

Director Arivazhagan, who had shown a ghost through water in the film Eeram, h as shown a ghost coming through sound in this film. But this is not the second par art of the film Eeram. A horror film has s ome template things. Even though it is a ll in this film, the director has given a di fferent concept called sound beyond th at. Instead of a regular ghost film, the di rector has taken a concept and given the necessary justification for it through his research in the screenplay with evidenc e.

The director fits the character perfectly with facial features suitable for a ghost film to the extent of saying, “If it is a hor ror film, call Aadhi.” Similarly, if the dire ctor says that a ghost will enter the hero ine, they should express the appropriate body language. Lakshmi Menon has don e that job well in this. In addition, Simra n and Laila have mixed in an unexpected important character in the film. Reddin Kingsley’s comedy did not help the story much. MS Bhaskar, Raju Menon, Vivek P rasanna, Abhinaya appear in a few scen es.

Music is important in a ghost film. Espec ially in this film, since the sound is the gh ost, composer Thaman has given a lot of effort. The effort he has put into each sc ene is enjoyable when watching it in the theater. He has made a scene enjoyable through the background music (sound) o n the white screen. The scenes shine in Arun Padmanaban’s cinematography. H e has beautifully given the photography required for a horror film.

Plus & Minus The ghost is shown throug h sound with the intention of giving a ne w experience to the fans who are bored of watching it. At the same time, the min us is that many scenes are magical beca use a ghost film does not require logic. Si milarly, even though the director did so me research and had the ghost appear t hrough sound, it didn’t seem to connect well with fans who are used to seeing a v engeful ghost.

This Is My Personal Review So Please G o and Watch The Movie in Theaters Onl y

Written by B4U Media Admin Ratting B4U Media 4 / 5