CIEL HR’s Tech Subsidiary Jombay Unveils 300 Winning Organizations

CIEL HR’s Tech Subsidiary Jombay Unv eils 300 Winning Organizations of Its W orkplace of Winners (WOW) 2025

~ WOW is committed to transforming how organisations understand emplo yee engagement ~

National, 27th February 2025: CIEL H R’s subsidiary Jombay, specialising in te chnology-driven talent assessment, dev elopment and engagement solutions, to day announced the launch of Workplace of Winners (WOW), an AI driven platfor m that aims to bring to light and recogn ize companies with positive workplace c ulture. As part of this launch and initiati ve, Jombay hosted a gala event in Mumb ai that released its first edition of WOW Workplace Awards 2025, an annual listi ng of organisations that have the most WOW reviews from their employees fr om across the internet. This inaugural e dition listed over 300 organisations on as the w inners of 2025, in the presence of 50 0+ CXOs that have attended from various industries.

Jombay’s AI-powered WO

Engagement Survey makes the process democratic and authentic by collecting, analysing & publishing positive employe e reviews. This initiative marks a signific ant advancement in workplace recogniti nition, leveraging comprehensive emplo oyee sentiment analysis to identify and celebrate exemplary workplaces. It asse sses five key dimensions: Empowermen t, Efficacy, Well-being, Pride, and Conne ction ensuring an unbiased and sci entif ic approach to measuring workplace exc cellence.

The winners of WOW Workplace Awar ds 2025 were selected across multiple s ectors, with the rankings declared as fo llows: IT, ITeS, and GCC – Top 75; Manuf acturing – Top 75; BFSI – Top 50; Retail, FMCG, and Allied – Top 25; and Pharma aceutical and Healthcare – Top 25. In ad dition to these categories, exceptional c ompanies from aviation, hospitality, real estate, internet & e-commerce, energy and allied sectors were also honored for their dedication to fostering exemplary workplaces.

The WOW Workplace Awards framewo rk enables organisations to:

Build authentic employer brands thro ugh employee advocacy

● Create measurable improvements in workplace culture

● Drive higher employee engagement and satisfaction

● Foster environments that promote inn ovation and growth

● Develop stronger leadership and team dynamics.

Commenting on the launch, Mr. Mohit G undecha, Co-founder & CEO of Jombay  said, “The WOW Workplace Awards re present our commitment to building ‘W orkplaces of Winners.’ By leveraging AI and employee sentiment analysis, we’re providing organisations with a transpar eñt ent and credible way to measure an d improve their workplace culture. This initiative marks a new chapter in how w e recognise and celebrate workplace ex cellence in India.”

Mr. K Pandiarajan, Executive Director & Chairman of CIEL HR Group, added, “Thi s initiative represents a transformative step in workplace recognition, using AI-powered insights to help companies in I ndia compete on the world stage. By pla cing employee voices at the center of w orkplace assessment, we’re enabling or ganizations to build cultures that not on ly attract global talent but also nurture India’s diverse workforce. This is particu larly crucial as we see Indian companies expanding their global footprint and mu ltinational corporations increasing their presence in India.”

About Jombay:

Jombay is a pioneer in workplace engag ement and talent management solution ns, offering innovative, technology-driv en approaches to enhance organisation tional effectiveness. Our AI-powered s olutions impact every aspect of the emp loyee lifecycle, from assessment to deve lopment and engagement. With a prove en track record of partnering with leadi ding organisations across industries, Jo mbay continues to drive transformation in how companies build and maintain wi nning workplace cultures.


CIEL HR is India’s only company offering a complete suite of tech-driven HR solut ions, covering the entire employee lifecy ycle. With 67 offices across 33 locations ons, CIEL has served 4,019 companies as of June 30, 2024. Over the last three fin ancial years and Q1 FY24-25, CIEL asses sed 220,378 managers, payrolled 150,8 24 employees in June 2024, partnered with 30 colleges through ProSculpt to e ngage 7,000 students, and trained 90,00 0,000 students across 400 colleges in Ta mil Nadu and Karnataka using LMS cont ent.

Our Services

● Exec Search, Selection, RPO, Value Sta ffing, NAPS & NATS: CIEL HR, Aargee St affing

● Professional IT & Engineering Staffing: CIEL Technologies

● HR Advisory: Ma Foi Strategic Consult ants, People Metrics

● HR Managed Services (payr oll/compli liance): Ma Foi Strategic Consultants

● Skilling: CIEL Skills & Careers

Our HR Tech Platforms

● Talent Assessment & Development: Jo mbay, Thomas Assessments

● HRMS: HfactoR

● Learning Solutions: Courseplay

● Statutory Compliance: eZYCOMP

● Fresher Upskilling: ProSculpt