Gleneagles Hospital Chennai Launches Club for Diabetes Excellence
~ A Game-Changer in Diabetes Care and Patient Engagement in Chennai ~
Chennai, 1st March 2025: Gleneagles H ospital Chennai, today announced the la unch of C.O.D.E (Club for Diabetes Excel lence), a pioneering initiative aimed at p roviding holistic diabetes care, educatio n, and patient engagement.
The club wa s inaugurated by Actor S V Sekhar, and h e launched the dedicated call centre nu mber to educate the publi c on diabetes in the presence of Dr. Ash win Karuppan V, HOD & Senior Consult tant, Internal M edicine & Diabetology i n the presence o f Dr. Nageswar Rao K, Cluster Chief Exe cutive Officer, Chenna i & Hyderabad, G leneagles Hospital.
The C.O.D.E initiative offers a range of b enefits to patients, including diabetes e ducation, access to a dedicated diabetes helpline, personalized doctor interactio ns, networking opportunities, and comp limentary annual health checks. The clu b also provides access to exclusive even ts that empower individuals to take char ge of their health while staying informe d about the latest advancements in diab etes care. The dedicated call centre num mber is intended to inform and promote healthy lifestyle choices, prediabetes pr evention, and diabetes management am ong youth.
“With over 101 million Indians currentl y diagnosed with diabetes and an additi onal 136 million in the pre-diabetic stag e, India has emerged as the Diabetes Ca pital of the World. The increasing preval ence of diabetes is largely driven by urb anization, genetic predisposition, and lif estyle changes. Many individuals remain undiagnosed until complications arise, making regular monitoring and early int ervention critical to managing the disea se effectively. Through initiatives like C. O.D.E, Gleneagles Hospital aims to bridg e the gap in diabetes care by encouragin ng structured patient engagement and p roactive health management,” said Dr. A shwin Karuppan V.
He emphasized the importance of struct ured patient engagement in managing di abetes stating, “Diabetes care extends b eyond medications—it is about educatio n, lifestyle adaptation, and continuous s upport. C.O.D.E is a crucial step toward providing comprehensive, patient-centr ic care, ensuring that individuals have ac cess to the best medical advice, technol ogy, and peer support to effectively man age their condition.”
Dr. Nageswar Rao K, Cluster Chief Exec utive Officer, Chennai & Hyderabad, hig hlighted Gleneagles Hospital’s commitm ent to innovation and patient-centric ca re pointing out, “We have always priorit ized delivering high-quality healthcare t hrough a combination of cutting-edge te chnology, expert medical professionals, and patient-focused initiatives. The laun ch of C.O.D.E further strengthens our co mmitment to making healthcare more a ccessible and proactive. By integrating t he latest in medical research with perso nalized support, we are ensuring that ou r patients receive not just treatment but a complete ecosystem of care.
The launch of C.O.D.E underscores Glen eagles Hospital’s dedication to tackling diabetes, which remains one of India’s m ost pressing health challenges. With a pr oactive approach to patient engagemen t and technological advancements in dia betes management, the hospital continu ues to redefine excellence in healthcare services.