Apollo Proton Cancer Centre’s AI- Base d Music Therapy Eases Chemotherapy

Apollo Proton Cancer Centre’s AI- Base d Music Therapy Eases Chemotherapy f or Cancer Patients

~ A unique mind-body intervention to h elp reduce stress, anxiety, and pain amo ng chemotherapy patients ~

Chennai, February 28, 2025: Apollo Pro ton Cancer Centre (APCC), in collaborat ion with DigiNxtHlt Solutions (P) Ltd, ha as unveiled South Asia’s First Artificial I ntelligence-Based Music Therapy under the ‘Echo Care’ product range. The pion eering MUSICC Study (Music Interventi on for Cancer Care) marks a significant milestone in leveraging AI-driven perso nalized soundscapes to enhance the qua lity of life for cancer patients who are un ndergoing chemotherapy.

The groundbreaking MUSICC Study was unveiled by renowned vocalist and singe r, Padma Bhushan & recipient of Sangita Kalanidhi, Srimathi Sudha Ragunathan, along with Dr. Preetha Reddy, Executive Vice Chairperson, Apollo Hospitals Ente rprise Limited (AHEL), Ms Sujatha Viswe swara CEO & Co-Founder, Echo Care, Th e DigiNxtHlt Solutions (P) Ltd, and Dr. S ujith Kumar Mullapally, Consultant  Me dical Oncology, Apollo Proton Cancer C entre (APCC). 

Speaking at the launch event, Padma Bh ushan Srimathi Sudha Ragunathan, emp hasized the deep connection between m usic and healing. She said, “Music has al ways been a powerful medium of expre ssion, where people find solace. It has th e power to soothe, to heal, and to uplift. I am honoured to be a part of this initiati iative that brings music therapy to canc er patients. The MUSICC Study is a rem arkable step in integrating music with m edical science to aid cancer patients in t heir healing journey. It is heartening to s ee Apollo Proton Cancer Centre embrac cing such innovation for holistic patient care.”

The MUSICC Study is a first-of-its-kind initiative that uses personalized frequen cy-modulated soundscapes recommend ed by an advanced AI engine to improve the well-being of cancer patients. The pr ospective pilot study, conducted by Dr. Sujith Kumar Mullapally and his team at APCC, successfully tested the impact of AI-curated music therapy in the oncolog ogy day-care setting. Over 50 patients were observed during chemotherapy se ssions, and the results revealed a notab le improvement in their quality of life, d emonstrating the potential of music as a complementary therapeutic interventio tion in cancer care. 

It is one of its kind and unique as it is foc used on rendering personalised frequen ency-moderated soundscapes to patient s undergoing chemotherapy at Apollo Pr oton Cancer Centre. These soundscapes are recommended by AI engine based o n multi-class neural networks. It can sel f-learn and also learns continuously fro m patients’ usage and interactions. 

Dr. Sujith Kumar Mullapally, Consultant – Medical Oncology, Apollo Proton Can cer Centre, Chennai, who led the study, shared insights on its impact. He said, “C ancer treatment is often physically and emotionally exhausting for patients and their caregivers. Through the MUSICC S tudy, we aimed to explore the potential of AI-driven music therapy in alleviating stress, anxiety and improving quality of life. Our study revealed better overall tr reatment experience and reduced anxie xiety with the use of AI-driven music. Th is study, thus is a significant step toward s integrating non-pharmacological holis tic measures like music into convention al cancer care worldwide.”

The study, approved by the Apollo Ethic s Committee and the CTRI (Clinical Trial s Registry), demonstrated meaningful i mprovements in anxiety and depression levels as measured by HADS (Hospital A nxiety and Depression Scale) and FACT G-7 assessments.

Dr. Preetha Reddy, Executive Vice Chair person, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limi ted, emphasized “At Apollo Proton Canc er Centre, we are not only pushing the b oundaries of medical advancements but also reimagining the way we care for pat ients. The MUSICC Study is a testament to our dedication towards holistic heali ling and combining the precision of AI with the universal language of music to enhance the lives of those undergoing cancer treatment.”

As a leading institution in advanced can cer treatment, Apollo Proton Cancer Ce entre continues to integrate cutting-edg e technology with compassionate care.

The AI-powered echo care system is ded 7 uh sig ned to make j music recommend at 9ions using multi-class neural networ ks that continuously learn from patient interactions. The system seamlessly inte gtates with inwith standard cancer care, offering a unique mind-body interventio on to help reduce stress, anxiety, and pa in perception among chemotherapy pati ents.

Photo Caption: Left to Right : Dr. Sujith Kumar Mullapally, Consultant – Medical Oncology, Apollo Proton Cancer Centre (APCC). , Dr. Preetha Reddy, Executive  Vice Chairperson, Apollo Hospitals Ente erprise Limited (AHEL), Padma Bhushan & recipient of Sangita Kalanidhi, Srimat hi Sudha Ragunathan, Dr. Rakesh Jalai, Medical Director & Lead – Neuro oncolo gy, Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, Chenn ai seen along with Ms Sujatha Visweswa ra CEO & Co-Founder, Echo Care, The Di giNxtHlt Solutions (P) Ltd, and Mr. Kara n Puri, CEO , Apollo Proton Cancer Cen ntre, Chennai.

Ms Sujatha Visweswara CEO & Cofound er, Echo Care, The DigiNxtHlt Solut ions (P) Ltd, said, “The fusion of AI and digit al healthcare is revolutionizing patien t 8 nt care. Echo Care’s AI-driven sounds capes exemplify how advanced analytic ics and machine learning can create pers onalized healing experiences. Recently t ested under Dr. Suj ith’s guidance at Apo llo Proton Cancer Centre, echo care mar ks a paradigm shift in cancer care, wher e technology supports treatment and e motional well-being. We believe AI-bas ed interventions like this will set a new standard in integrative healing, making cancer care more humane and effective ive.”

Echo Care is an AI-driven digital healthc are solution designed to provide person alized soundscape therapy. It employs a dvanced multi-class neural networks to assess patient conditions and recomme end curated therapeutic music. The syst em evolves through continuous self-lear bkning, ensuring an adaptive and evolvi ng music therapy experience tailored to each patient’s needs. It is a collection of massive quantum data structures, akin to multiclass neural networks in a huma man brain. 

Unlike conventional music therapy, Ech o Care Soundscape is a propriety and bu ilt-in ‘echo labs’ rendered at a particular frequency with design guided by neuro musicologstics and clinical psychologis class s. It is uniquely designed to elicit therapeutic benefits driven by AI tech nology and availablue on demand and specific to individual patients based on their condition for improved quality of life.

The successful implementation of this A I-based music therapy program reinforc ces Apollo Proton Cancer Centres’ posit 44 tion as a pioneer in comprehensive c cance5r care, combining advanced treat ñment modalities with innovative supp ortive care solutions to enhance patient outcomes and experience.

#WinningOverCancer ko

About Apollo Proton Cancer Centre (APCC), Chennai, India: 

Apollo Proton Cancer Centre is the mos t advanced Cancer Centre and the first Proton Therapy Centre in South Asia & the Middle East and India’s first JCI-acc redited Cancer hospital. It is the countr ry’s first hospital to have proton beaml th perapy in clinical operation. At the be drock of APCC’s approach to treating ca ncer is its robust multi-disciplinary platf orm; highly skilled professionals who co me together to form a Cancer Managem ent Team (CMT). Each CMT is focused o n delivering the best possible outcomes for its patients. An added feather in the cap is the launch of India’s first & only si te-specific Robotic Oncology Program.