Sanghamitra ‘Peace Walk’ – Rotary Inte rnational District 3234’s United Efforts with Queen Mary’s College to Combat Drug Addiction
Chennai, February 23, 2025
Commemorating the 120th birth annive rsary of Rotary, the Rotary Internationa l district 3234 in association with Queen Mary’s College organized a ‘Peace Walk’ against drugs with ‘Say No to Drugs’ ca mpaign, on February 23, 2025. Over 270 0 participants that included students fro m various Chennai colleges, the Rotarac act members and the Rotarian families walked from Lady Wellington School to Queen Mary’s college, symbolizing a col lective resolve against the menace of dr ugs and delinquency among adolescents and the youth. Supported by Rotary Clu b of Madras and District Public Image T eam, this massive awareness movement endeavours to create a drug free Chenn ai(“Bodhai Illaa Chennai Uruvaakuvoam “).
Addressing global drug challenges throu gh a collective community-driven effort like the Sanghamitra ‘Peace Walk’, Rtn N S Saravanan, District Governor said, “This day marks a significant moment in history, the founding meeting of Rotary International, which set the stage for a g lobal effort towards peace and under st anding across the world. This walk crea ting an awareness about the perils of dr ug abuse and promoting ‘Peace’, a corne erstone of our mission, amongst the peo ple, especially the youngsters, is one of t he many events and competitions that w ill lead to our district conference, ‘Sangh amitra 2025’to be held on March 1st an d 2nd, here in Chennai”.
Rtn. Kumar Rajendran, Chairman- Rota ract & Peace Walk, said “To combat the rising tide of drug abuse amongst youth, Rotaract, the youth wing of Rotary prop oses to organize more such community events across Chennai, in the near futu re too. With awareness campaigns, semi nars and workshops on ‘substance abus e and addiction prevention’ for adolesc ent children and the young adults study ing in schools and colleges, we will not o nly educate them on the side effects of d rugs on health, their lifetime consequen ces, the preventive measures, but also o n how to contribute towards building a drug free World”.
Mr. T. Vivekanandan, Assistant Commis sioner of Police, Mylapore Zone preside d over the Valedictory function and dist ributed the prizes to the participants. S enior Office bearers of RI District 3234 including Rtn S Ravi, Chairman – Confer rence, Rtn Vidya Ragu, District Secretar y, Rtn AKS Ganesh Palanivel, Chairman – Public Image, Rtn J Sasikumar, DistrictR Rotaract Representative, Rtn Chella Kr rishna, President, Rotary Club of Madr as also participated in the event.