Building ValueCorns, Celebrating Entrepreneurship: Startup Singam

Building ValueCorns, Celebrating Entre preneurship: Startup Singam Introduces ValueCorn – A Revolutionary Shift in the Startup Ecosystem Focused on Value Cr eation Over Valuation

Startup Singam announced its aim to be come a destination platform for new ag e entrepreneurs

Plans to conduct TV Programs across Indian cities to ‘simplify fundraising and amplify success stories’

Chennai, February 19, 2025: In a bold m ove to reshape the startup ecosystem, S tartup Singam has introduced Value Cor n, a pioneering initiative designed to enc ourage entrepreneurs to focus on long-t erm value creation rather than getting c aught in the race for high valuations. Wi th many startups struggling under inflat ed valuations, ValueCorn aims to reigini te the spirit of sustainable growth and m eaningful impact in the entrepreneurial world. The initiative is grounded in a sim ple yet powerful idea: that true success i n business comes not from the size of yo ur valuation, but from the tangible value you create for people, communities, and industries.

As the global startup scene has become increasingly obsessed with achieving ma ssive valuations, the pressure to deliver rapid returns has led to many startups f acing challenges such as unsustainable b usiness models, employee turnover, and resource depletion. Investors and entrp reneurs alike have become fixated on ac hieving “unicorn” status, often at the ex pense of building strong, resilient busin esses that create real value for custome ers and society.

As part of its commitment to simplify fu ndraise and amplify success stories, Star tup Singam aims to become the go-to pl atform for entrepreneurs looking to bui ld game-changing ventures. The platfor om is designed to offer a holistic suppor t system, including mentorship, funding guidance, networking opportunities, an d educational resources. By bringing tog ether a diverse range of entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts, Startup Singam seeks to create an ecosystem w here ideas can thrive and transform into successful businesses.

ValueCorn – The Key Factors:

· Value-Centric Approach: Rather than chasing arbitrary numbers, ValueCorn w ill encourage businesses to focus on pro ducts, services, and solutions that direct tly impact and benefit their customers a nd communities

· Sustainability Over Scale: Encouraging sustainable business practices and long-term growth, the initiative promotes ste ady progress and innovation over the sh ort-term rush to market dominance.

· Transparent Metrics: By introducing a more transparent set of success metrics that look beyond the valuation, ValueCo rn will enable investors to support busin esses with solid growth potential, ethica al operations, and a vision for the future e.


Mr. Kumar Vembu, Founder – Mudhal P artners & GO Frugal Technologies and C o-Founder of ZOHO, said, “Startups are meant to change the world, but all too o ften, they are distracted by the pressure to become the next ‘unicorn’. With Valu eCorn, we aim to shift the focus back to creating real value – for customers, emp loyees, and society at large. We want to help entrepreneurs build businesses tha t are not just financially successful but c ontribute meaningfully to the world aro ound them.”

Mr. Hemachandran, Co-Founder, Start u p Singam said, “As we celebrate the succ ess of Startup Singam launch, we are eq ually delighted to celebrate entreprene urship. We intend to make this success e ven more meaningful by taking the Start up Singam program to Hyderabad, Beng galuru and Trivandrum by the end of nex t calendar year. The company will also e stablish a dedicated fund to support star tups that align with these values. This in itiative aims to make Tamil Nadu and th ereby India a hub for forward-thinking e ntrepreneurs who are ready to lead the next generation of businesses grounded in value creation”

Mr. Balachandar, Co-founder of Startup Singam stated, “With the launch of Valu e Corn initiative, we are not just support ing startups; we are cultivating a culture of value creation, innovation, responsibi lity, and the celebration of entrepreneur ship. As we expand Startup Singam, we a re committed to fostering regional colla boration and providing the resources ne cessary for startups to thrive.”

About Startup Singam: Startup Singam, T amil Nadu’s first startup reality show, celebrates the spirit of entrepreneurshi p by providing a platform for emerging b usinesses to showcase their ideas and ac ccess funding opportunities. The show h as allocated a total of ₹50 crore to supp ort startups, with ₹12.95 crore already committed.