Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chair person of Apollo Hospitals,

Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chair person of Apollo Hospitals,

Announces The Establishment of Model Anganwadi Centre To Ensure Better He althcare For Women and Children*

*Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chai rperson of Apollo Hospitals, Announces Integrated Approach For Women and C hild Health By Establishing Model Anga nwadi Centre at Pithapuram*

In a fresh healthcare initiative, Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chairperson of Apollo Hospitals, recently announced th he establishment of Model Anganwadi  Centre at Pithampuram on the occassio ion of Chairman Dr. Prathap C Reddy’s 9 3rd birthday. This new initiative looks af ter empowering women and ensuring ch ildren’s health, by improving sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition.

It focuses on pro viding maternal and ch ild healthcare for the critical first 1000 days, and personal ised nutritional inter ventions to ensure zero malnutrition an d reduce maternal and infant mortality to zero.

Beyond healthcare, the initiative also fo cuses on customised curriculums for bot h mothers and children, empowering fa milies with knowledge on health, hygien e, and early childhood education. It also includes the provision of clearly defined jobs for Anganwadi workers and staff, a nd the deployment of digital health reco rds for tracking the health outcomes of women and children. It aims at sustaina bility, holding regular workshops to eng age fathers, families, and local communi nities in supporting women and children . Located in Pawan Kalyan’s constituenc cy, this initiative ensures high visibility, with the potential for nationwide imple mentation through the Prime Minister o nce proven successful.

On the 93rd birthday of Chairman Dr. Pr athap C Reddy, a phased initiative will b e undertaken to beautify and enhance 1 09 Anganwadi Centres in Pithapuram di strict. Through this thoughtful initiative, Upasana Kamineni Konidela looks forw ard to redefining Anganwadi Centres by addressing healthcare, nutrition, educat ion, empowerment, and sustainability, a nd creating a health ecosystem that sets a benchmark for women and child devel lopment progress nationwide. Previousl y, in a monumental healthcare initiative, Upasana Kamineni Konidela’s Apollo Fo undation ensured the well-being of pilgr ims by inaugurating a Free Apollo Emerg ency Care Center at the iconic Ram Man dir. Now, by establishing the Model Ang anwadi Centre at Pithampuram, Apollo Hospitals extends support in bringing si gnificant development in healthcare sys tems.