Apollo Proton Cancer Centre Successful ly Performs Indias
First Endoscopic Mastectomy With RCh ennaiec onstruction
Chennai, 27th January 2025 Apollo Prot on Cancer Centre (APCC), has achieved a significant milestone by performing In dias first Endoscopic Mastectomy with Reconstruction on a 46-year-old breast cancer patient. This revolutionary proce cedure marks a new era in breast cancer treatment, combining effective cancer r emoval with new surgical innovation to ensure enhanced cosmetic outcomes an nd faster recovery.
The patient, Ms. Ramya (name changed), a 46- year-old woman, faced one of the most challenging moments of her life w hen she was diagnosed with early breast cancer. The diagnosis brought a whirlwi nd of emotions fear and uncertainty ab out her future, and the changes it might bring to her body and identity. Like man y women in her situation, she struggled with the thought of losing her breast.
Initially advised to undergo a mastecto my due to her ineligibility for breast con nservation surgery, Ms. Ramya was dete rmined to explore options that could he lp her feel herself. She was keen on a wh ole breast reconstruction but needed gu idance to understand the possibilities. D uring her consultation with Dr. Manjula Rao, she found not only expert advice b ut also empathy and hope. Dr. Manjula c arefully explained the innovative optop tion of an Endoscopic Mastectomy with Reconstruction of the breast. This mini mally invasive procedure offered her th e dual benefit of effectively treating the cancer while preserving the natural app earance of her breast. Ms. Ramya unde rstood and took the bold decision th hat marked a turning point in her life, repla cing fear with confidence and hope.
This approach allowed for the removal o f the cancerous tissue while preserving t he nipple and areola (the area of dark-c olored skin on the breast that surrounds the nipple), enabling a more natural-lop ooking reconstruction and improved a esthetic outcomes.
Minimal access breast surgery, such as e ndoscopic mastectomy, is a cutting-edg e procedure offering significant cosmetc and recovery benefits. During the surge ry, the tissue beneath the nipple is tesed ted on the spot for cancer cells and if it is detected, the nipple will be removed to ensure complete treatment.
Dr. Manjula Rao, Consultant – Breast Oncoplastic Surgery, said, The executio ion of the Endoscopic Mastectomy with Reconstruction has been highly satisfy ing, and I am delighted to see the patien t’s swift recovery. It is not just a medical achievement; its a step forward in how we approach breast cancer treatment. T he focus is on treating the cancer effecti ively while addressing the emotional an d aesthetic concerns of our patients.
The novelty of this case was that the ma stectomy was performed by ‘Endoscopic means. This is a minimally invasive tech nique, wherein, removal of the cancer ti ssue is done through a small incision hid den in the breast creases. This techniqie ue offers quick recovery with minimal p ain and improved cosmesis while treatin ing the cancer. This is yet another advan ncement/option in Minimally Invasive B reast Surgery (MIBS) allowing women s uffering from breast cancer to benefit from surgical advancements in treatmn ent.
Ms. Ramya, the cancer winner, said, “I was worried about losing a part of mysel elf to cancer, but this procedure has giv en me hope and confidence. Im grateful to the doctor and the entire team at Ap poollo for their care and expertise.”
Mr Dinesh Madhavan, President-Group Oncology and International, Apollo Ho spitals Enterprise Ltd (AHEL), said: The introduction of Indias first Endoscopic.