Apollo Dialysis hits silver count in Tamil Nadu:
Inaugurates 25th Clinic in Tiruvannamal ai.
Tiruvannamalai, 5th Dec, 2024: Apollo Dialysis Pvt. Ltd., a subsidiary of Apollo Health & Lifestyle Limited, and a pionne er in dialysis services, has launched a ne w dialysis Unit at Suriyan Hospital, Tiru vannamalai, Tamil Nadu. The new facili ty is equipped to provide exceptional pa tient care to individuals fac ing renal fail ure and is built in the hos pital premises with advanced technolo gy, staffed by e xperienced nephrologis ts and trained d ialysis technicians.
Apollo Dialysis Clinics offer world-cla ss dialysis services, delivered with ad vanc ed technology and compassionate care. The dedicated team of skilled nephrolo gists and healthcare professionals prov ide expert care in a clean, comfortable, and patient-focused environ ment. With CMCHIS (Chief Minister’s Comprehensi ve Health Insurance Sche me) coverage f or dialysis treatments, the brand ensure s affordability for eli gible patients.
Dr. T.Sugan Gandhi M.D, DM, Senior Ne phrologist, Apollo Dialysis emphasized that “Recognizing the need for prompt a nd comprehensive care in managing kid ney conditions such as end-stage renal disease is essential for ensuring optimal outcomes for patients. Timely intervent ion can prevent further deterioration of kidney function, while a well-equipped dialysis unit plays a crucial role in provi ding life-sustaining treatments like hem odialysis or perito neal dialysis. By priori tizing promptness and comprehensiven ess in care deli very, we can improve the quality of lif e and outcomes for individu als living with end-stage renal disease.”
Mr. M. Sudhakara Rao, Chief Operating Officer, Apollo Dialysis, added “This ne w centre is not just a step forward f or Apollo Dialysis Clinics but also a step cl oser to achieving equitable health care for all. By offering services under the C MCHIS, we aim to empower all renal wa rriors to receive the care they deserve.” He further added “Over time, Apollo Dia lysis clinics have extended their reach to Tier I and Tier II cities, facilitating conve nient access to high-quality renal care. Our focus extends beyond treatment pr ovision; we prior itize the human aspect of care, emph a sizing not only the best t reatment and facilities but also compass ion and understanding in patient interac tions.”
Dr. S.Saveetha Kathiravan ,Chairman, Su riyan Hospital ,said “We are excited to p artner with Apollo Dialysis Clinics to pr ovide convenient access to best-i n-clas s kidney care and treatment at Suriyan Hospital, our commitment has always b een to meet the needs of our patients by offering affordable and high -quality he althcare. We look forward t o servicing many more patients throu gh the dialys is clinic.”
About Apollo Dialysis Clinic
Apollo Dialysis is a leading provider of c omprehensive kidney care services in In dia. We have presence in Telangana, An dhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, A ssam, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pra desh and Delhi. With a network of over 140+ clinics, we offer a range of advanc ed treatments including hemodialysis, p eritoneal dialysis, pediatricdialysis, and kidney transplantation. The brands com mitment to patient-centric care, state-of-the-art facilities, and exp ert medical teams ensures the best pos sible outcom es for our patients. Apollo Dialysis Clini cs have extended their re ach to both ur ban and rural areas, ma king quality ren al care accessible to a larger population.
About Apollo Health & Lifestyle Limit ed
Apollo Health & Lifestyle Limited (AHLL ), a subsidiary of Apollo Hospitals Enter prise Limited (AHEL), has been a signific ant presence in India’s retail healthca ar e sector since 2002, driven by the aspira tion to ‘Touch a Billion Live s’. With a tra nsformative journey span ning the last t wo decades, AHLL have served nearly 2 0 million+ patients thro ugh 5500+ doct ors. With a key aim ‘to b ring medical car e closer to the home o f the patient, brid ging the gap between tertiary care and the home”, AHLL has established the nat ion’s largest networ k for day-to-day hel lthcare that can be delivered outside lar ge format hospital settings.