Apollo SHINE Reaffirms Commitment to Student Health
Apollo SHINE Reaffirms Commitment to Student Health and Emergency Prep aredness among school students.
*Celebrating a New Era of Student Hea lth Ambassadors.
*Ambulance Tour and Response training
Chennai, November 7, 2024: Apollo Ho spitals, through its not-for-profit initia tive Apollo SHINE, continues to lead th e charge in promoting health and safe ty across schools and colleges.
This year Apollo SHINE is hosting a sp ecial event on “Emergency Preparedn ess in Schools” focusing on preparing schools to handle emergencies and eq uip students with critical health know ledge on the 7th of November 2024.
Apollo SHINE has been a pioneer in ca mpus health since its initiation in 201 5, touching the lives of over 1 million indi viduals across 175 schools and coll eges in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Telang ana, An dhra Pradesh, and Delhi/NCR.
Guided by the vision of Dr. Prathap C. Reddy, Apollo SHINE aims to address the growing burden of non-communica ble diseases (NCDs) by providing a hea lth program for students, staff, and ev en their families.
Dr. Indira Jayakumar, Medical Directo r, Apollo SHINE Foundation, presented the key components of emergency pre paredness in schools and how the vari ous emergencies faced in schools can be ably handed ensuring the safety of stu dents. She said “In medical emergencie s, time is a precious commodity.
These initial moments can make a sign ificant difference”. She talked about th e importance of having a well-equippe d Health Room with emergency traine d Medical Personnel. She presented ca ses of unexpected incidents in school and showcased the difference made by timely assistance of the Apollo Shine Nurses and 15 nurses were felicitated on behalf of the entire Apollo Shine Sc hool Nurse team.
An Emergency Map for all schools mar king the location of the Health Room, Ambulance pick up point, with a built-in a 5-step Emergency Action Guide wa s launched too with a view to making this mandatory in all schools in the st ate.
The event featured the official launch of the Apollo Shine Student Health Am bassador program, which plays a critic al role in spreading health awareness and emergency preparedness among p eers. As part of the event, participants toured different types of Apollo 1066 a mbulances at the venue, further stren gthening their readiness to handle cri tical situations.
Kishore Manohar, Director, Apollo Sh ine Foundation, said, “We are proud to reinforce our commitment to student health and emergency preparedness through the Apollo SHINE program. By empowering students with the knowle dge to handle emergencies, we create a safer and healthier school environm ent. The launch of our Student Health Amba ssador program reflects our miss ion to build a culture of wellness and responsi bility among the younger gene ration.”
Apollo SHINE remains committed to it s mission of promoting student health and ensuring that no child’s life is com promised when emergencies arise. Thr ough initiatives like these, Apollo Hosp itals continues to set the benchmark f or student healthcare and wellness in India.
About Apollo Hospitals
It was in 1983, that Dr Prathap C Reddy made a pioneering endeavor by launch ing India’s first corporate hospital -Ap ollo Hospitals in Chennai. Now, as Asi a’s foremost trusted integrated healthc are group, its presence includes over 12,000 beds across 72 Hospitals and 500 0 phar macies, over 400 Primary Care clinics an d 1228 Diagnostic centres, 70 0 plus Tele clinics, over 15 medical edu cation centres and a Research Foundat ion with a focus on global Clinical Tria ls. The most recent investment was the commissioning of South East Asia’s ver y first Proton Therapy Centre in Chenn ai.
Every four days, the Apollo Hospitals Group touches a million lives, in its mi ssion to bring healthcare of internatio nal standards within the reach of ever y individual. In a rare honour, the Gov ernment of India had issued a comme morative stamp in recognition of Apo llo’s contribution, the first for a healt hcare organization. Apollo Hospitals Chairman, Dr Prathap C Reddy, was co nferred with the prestigious Padma Vi bhushan in 2010.
For 40 years, the Apollo Hospitals Grou p has continuously excelled and maint ained leadership in medical innovatin on, world-class clinical services and cu tting-edge technology. Its hospitals are consistently ranked amongst the best hospitals in the country for advanced medical services.