A newly constructed Community Hall

A newly constructed Community Hall

 Newly constructed Community Hall an Transit Accommodation in the Resi dent ial Quarters at Nandambakkam, Chenna i. 

A newly constructed Community Hall and Transit Accommodation in the Res idential Quarters at Nandambakkam, Chennai was inaugurated by Smt. Devi ka Raghuvanshi, IDAS, Controller Gen eral of Defence Accounts (CGDA) in the presence of Shri. T. Jayaseelan, IDAS, C ontroller of Defence Accounts (CDA), Chennai.

Brigadier Gaurav Atreya, Chief Engine er of Chennai Zone and Brigadier Kart hick Ram Mohan, Commandant of Mili tary Hospital Chennai were also prese ent on the occasion, including officers, staff members and families.

CGDA in her speech said that over 21,0 00 cases of family pension were resolv ed in this Special Grievance Redressal month of July. CGDA also outlined the modern initiatives taken by the Defen ce Accounts Department in quickly red ressing the grievances by establishing a centralised processing centre at Pray agraj. CGDA further said that over 32 l akh pensioners would benefit from the newly launched SPARSH System.

She said SPARSH had greatly improve d the pension disbursal mechanism, w hich was earlier handled by several pu blic sector banks. Smt. Devika Raghuv ans hi used the occasion to engage wit h De fence pensioners and family pens ion ers, listening attentively to their gr ievances. She assured them of prompt red ressal and addressed the concerns rais ed during the interaction.

As part of the event, CGDA distributed cheques totalling Rs. 30 Lakhs in arrea rs of pension to various family pensio ners. This distribution forms a crucial aspect of the ongoing Special Campaig n dedicated to resolving family pensio n grievances from July 1st to July 31st, 2024.

The newly inaugurated facilities are s et to serve the community effectively, pro viding enhanced amenities for Defence personnel and their families resi ding in the Nandambakkam quarters.

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