Aalavandhan Tamil Movie Review

Aalavandhan Tamil Movie Review


Kamal Haasan in dual role  , Major Vijay Kumar   , Nanda Kumar  , Raveena Tandon    , Manisha Koirala   , Madhur ai G.S.Mani  , Milind Gunaji    , Sarath Babu   , Fathima Babu   , Anu Haasan   , Kitu Gidwani   , Riyaz Khan   , Vikram , Gokhale   , Poovilangu Mohan   , Yashpal Sharma   , Major Ravi  , Vikram Dharma   , Nissar Khan , Raji Iyer   , Krishn a Bhatt   , Mirchi Shiva in “Siri Siri” song (uncredited role) .


Directed by Suresh Krissna , Screenplay by Kamal Haasan , Based on Dhayam , by Kamal Haasan , Produced by S. Thanu , Starring , Kamal Haasan , Raveena Tandon , Manisha Koirala , Cinematography Tirru , Edited by Kasi , Vis wanathan , Music by , Shankar–Ehsaan–Loy (songs) , Mahesh Mahadevan (score) , Production company ;
V. Creations , P R O ; Riyaz Ahamad .


Major Vijay Kumar and his group of the Black Cats save a group of tourists held hostage by terrorists in a Kashm ir valley. Meanwhile, at a military hospital, Vijay meets his girlfriend Tejaswini aka Teju, a news presenter who he is ready to marry. Teju reveals she is pregnant after she presents her HCG report to Vijay after one of their dates gone wrong. Vijay then reveals to Teju about his plan to visit his twin brother, Nanda Kumar alias Nandu, in a me ntal asylum who is incarcerated for murdering his stepmother Jayanthi. Nandu is a cleverly scheming and with g ood physical strength, yet paranoidal schizophrenic man who has spent most of his life in the asylum, often com municating using metaphors and poetic expressions. Vijay cares about Nandu and looks forward to his release, b ut Nandu’s doctor tells him that Nandu has developed into a psychopath. He is now a danger to society and shou ld not be released.Vijay and Teju visit Nandu to share the news about their impending marriage, which turns disa strous as Nandu begins to see Teju in the image of their Jayanthi. Seeking to save Vijay from Teju, Nandu man age s to escape custody after killing two other inmates Sulthan and Paasha, for a clean getaway, thus leaving no trail.

He later meets his maternal uncle, who was responsible for incarcerating him. The man dies of choking upon se eing his nephew. Vijay and Teju get married. The next day Vijay and Teju are shocked to learn of Nandu’s escape. Vijay initially refuses to believe it was Nandu who escaped. But, Nandu’s doctor believes it was Nandu who esca ped, because of the similarity that both Nandu and his murdered buddy Sulthan are circumcised due to health re asons after the postmortem of Sulthan’s beheaded corpse, thus proving Nandu is circumcised. Later, Vijay is con vinced that it was Nandu.Nandu visits Vijay’s home when he is not there and leaves a message about wanting to kill Teju. He keeps hallucinating his deceased mother in his imagination. While searching for Teju, Nandu kills a drug peddler and falls in love with a socialite Sharmilee by looking at her promotional posters. By chance, he stu mbles across Sharmilee at a hotel. Sharmilee ecstatically falls for Nandu upon his antics, and both become close. Both being drugged, Sharmilee playfully whips Nandu, which inadvertently causes him to visualise Jayanthi’s wh ippings and brutally murders her as a result.

After returning to his senses, he regrets his actions and tearfully burns Sharmilee’s corpse before exiting the roo m, but leaves behind evidence through which Vijay deduces him as the murderer.Vijay and Teju leave for Vijay’s ancestral home in Ooty to stay safe from Nandu, but he secretly follows them. Vijay and Teju find Nandu’s old dia ry in the house through which they read his past: Vijay’s and Nandu’s mother Priya committed suicide after reali sing that Santhosh, their father was having an affair with Jayanthi, who later became their stepmother. Both bro thers hate her, especially Nandu. The teacher complains about this, and Nandu justifies that he is only reflecting the home environment. Enraged, Santhosh beats both his sons for disliking his new wife.One day, Vijay learn that Jayanthi is having an affair with another man and Nandu tries telling this to his father, who pays no heed, and ins tead beats him. Nandu pleads to his maternal uncle to take him along with him.

But as he is suffering from throat cancer, he refuses and suggests a boarding school. Eventually, Vijay leaves with his uncle to a boarding school while Nandu remains home.The situation gets worse at home with Nandu and Jaya nthi turning violent, and Santhosh gets a heart attack. Nandu overhears a conversation between Jayanthi and a lawyer, and realises that she is only after his father’s wealth. Seeing this, Santhosh dies due to another heart at ta ck. Nandu now starts to see both his deceased parents in his hallucinations, as a result of being turned into a psyc hopath due to his Jayanthi’s cruel antics. His mother gives him the mission of killing Jayanthi, granting him a mili tary knife. Nandu stabs Jayanthi with the knife, but before dying, she vows that she will return. Nandu stays with Jayanthi’s corpse in the house before being incarcerated at the asylum.In the present, Vijay learns from his old fr iend Tenoosh Kooth that Nandu has reached Ooty. Vijay reaches on time to save Teju from Nandu, who en tered their hotel room and leaves with her.

Nandu, after getting a serpent styled tattoo all over his body which resembles the bond between the brothers by Tenoosh Kooth, decides to exact revenge on Teju. He chases the couple wreaking havoc across the road. After a while, they escape from the clutches of Nandu, Vijay manages to push Nandu’s car into an abyss and assumes he is dead. However, Nandu escapes and continues his trail. Vijay plans to leave the city and notices Nandu coming to the hotel secretly.Vijay and his commandos try to nab him, but he takes on everyone and kills many. Finally, t he brothers have a fight where Nandu overpowers Vijay. He corners Teju, who starts whacking him with a belt in self-defense, reminding Nandu of Jayanthi’s manner of punishing him. Vijay reaches by then, and there is anoth er fight between the brothers. Nandu visualises his mother asking him to join her as Jayanthi is torturing her up there. He realises his mistake and apologises to Vijay for chasing Teju. To kill Jayanthi, he lights up some gas cylin ders which explodes and kills Nandu.Some months later, Teju is revealed to be pregnant with twins. She fears the y will have the same traumatic childhood Vijay and Nandu had, but Vijay comforts her by telling her that they sh all provide good parental care and such thing will not happen.

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Movie Review-;

Born as twins, Vijay, Nandu and Priya come to a situation where Vijay is brought up by his uncle. Nandu brings up Siddhi. Unable to bear Siddhi’s cruelty, Nandu kills him. After that, Nandu is in a prison where mentally challeng ed people grow up. He who is affected by Siddhi gets very angry when he sees some women. I remember the pos ter with two Kamal Haasans curling their legs and testing each other’s strength. I remember the Aalavanthan th eme hallucinating. I remember the God Padi Mandin Padi song that almost everyone hummed during that perio d. When the film was released, there was a lot of excitement and buzz. Those were the days when I watched mo vies only for entertainment. I’m not a Kamal fan and don’t even know Genius Kamal. But I wanted to watch the movie so badly because the title song gave me goosebumps. 

After 10 years of intense searching, I got to watch what I expected to be Kamal’s best Tamil film and the best Ta mil film ever. Don’t judge the film first. It’s a shame for someone who tries so hard. Aalavanthan is an adaptation of the book Dayam by Kamal Haasan. I had to read this book first as I didn’t know he had written a novel. Kamal has tried many elements in Alavanthan. Be it the psychotic thriller treatment he gave the film or the animated st unts. That bodes well for Kamal. There are always things to learn. Whether you like it or not, you can learn a lot from Alavantan. First such psychotic thriller in Tamil. The film begins with Commando Vijay trying to save the ho stages from the terrorists. Kamal and his army crush don’t know what to do. We find Nandu when Vijay decides to tell about his marriage with Nandu.

Nandu is an interesting character but the initial scene suggests that Kamal is trying a bit too hard to look scary. Also the scene leading to the Nandu scene is not well made. Scenes end abruptly without making any sense. I do n’t know if it was the editor’s fault or the director’s fault. Usually you don’t find such mistakes in a Kamal film. An d people don’t even have clarity. No depth can be seen in any of the characters. When we see the world through Nandu’s eyes, we must be confused. I have to say it was brilliantly done. That and the opening scenes after his es cape from prison are some of the most brilliantly crafted scenes in the film. A treatment that no other film make rs have given. The animated fight scenes were a nice move for someone who learned to fight from cartoons. Nan du’s hallucinations and his mutterings in front of the doctor and his mother are a joy to watch.

Even the dreamy dance sequence with Manisha Koirala is superbly shot. But when the film switches to the real world, confusion begins. Scenes that should be clear make the head spin without knowing where the story is tur ning. Major Vijay, who talks about freeing his brother once, says that he will kill him then. The scene where Teja swini (Raveena Tandon) questions Vijay about the murders is completely out of place. Even the way Vijay gets angry looks artificial. Kamal seemed to have to prove his intelligence. But his intellect was absent from the sce ne. Everyone knows Kamal’s penchant for poetry. He makes full use of it here. All the poetry lines by Nandu we re good. It was a habit he inherited from his mother. Even the way she read those poems was amazing.

That is the specialty of Tamil. If one knows how to read poetry well it can be amazing. I don’t know how terrible the Hindi remake would have been. People need to understand that despite a big name, some things don’t work universally. The much awaited chase scene was fantastic. This has to be one of the best action sequences ever cr eated. With the Aalavanthan theme music ringing in the ears, the fight was intense. An enraged Nandu walks in front of an explosion caused by him. He truly looks like he has come to conquer all. The leader is sure. It is not cl ear why the film was named Aalvandan. Nandu keeps saying that he has come to conquer the world. Kamal see ms to have forgotten that he named the movie Aalavandan as Aalavandan towards Climax, thinking of that he started quoting Aalavandan towards Climax. Kamal’s best film for me is among the films directed/written by Virmandi. There could be many reasons for that but one major factor is:

T his IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 4/5