The Nun II English Movie Review

The Nun II English Movie Review


Taissa Farmiga   , Margot Bernazzi  , Jonas Bloquet  , Storm Reid  , Anna Popplewell  , Bonnie Aarons  , Katelyn Ro se Downey  , Suzanne Bertish  , David Horovitch  , Andrew Morgado provides the demonic voice , Pascal Aubert as Father Noiret , Maxime Elias-Menet as Jacques , Léontine d’Oncieu as Simone and others.


Directed by Michael Chaves , Screenplay by Ian Goldberg * Richard Naing * Akela Cooper , Story by Akela Coope r , Based on Characters by James Wan * Gary Dauberman , Produced by Peter Safran * James Wan , Cinematogra phy by Tristan Nyby , Edited by Gregory Plotkin , Music by Marco Beltrami  , Production  companies  by  New Line Cine ma * Atomic Monster * The Safran Company , Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures ,  Running time by 110 minutes  , Country  by United States , Language by  English ,  R S  V P  BY Pentegen Pr R.S .Prakash and Others.


n 1956, Father Noiret and Jacques perform their daily chores in their church in Tarascon, France. While invest ig ating a disturbance, Noiret is raised into the air, set on fire, and burned to death before a terrified Jacques flees. Following the events at Saint Cartha’s monastery, Sister Irene now serves in a convent in Italy. Maurice works at a boarding school in France, where he has befriended a young Irish student named Sophie and her teacher and m other, Kate. Irene has a vision of Maurice asking her to save him. She is dispatched by the Cardinal to investigate a series of deaths across Europe, attributed to the demon Valak, due to her previous experience with the demon.

She travels to Tarascon with Sister Debra, a young novice who expresses her difficulty in accepting miracles, suc h as the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Meanwhile, a delivery girl witnesses Valak talking to a possesse d Maurice before Valak kills her.A version of the Saint Lucy by Italian painter Beccafumi is shown in some sequen ces , In Tarascon, Irene is haunted by Valak and has a strange vision. Debra tells Irene that she received Noiret’s r osary from Jacques. At school, Sophie is bullied by classmates and locked in the deconsecrated sealed-off chapel l.

The bully points out the goat on the stained-glass window, claiming the devil appears when the sun shines thro ugh and turns the goat’s eyes red. One night, the headmistress encounters a sleepwalking Maurice and is killed by Valak in the guise of her deceased son. Irene and Debra travel to the Palais des Papes and meet with a librari an. He explains that Valak was an angel rejected by God and the emblem on Noiret’s rosary is the family crest of St. Lucy, who was martyred by a pagan. Though she was set on fire, she miraculously did not burn; her eyes were gouged out, but her family recovered them.

The librarian suggests the demon is killing St. Lucy’s descendants because it wants this powerful relic, last know n to be stored in a former monastery-turned-winery. The winery then became the present-day boarding school. At the school, Irene and Debra face off against a fully possessed Maurice. Sophie shows the women the staine d-glass goat in the chapel and they use a flashlight to make its eyes glow red. The red light acts as a laser, pointing to where the eyes of St. Lucy are buried. Irene finds the relic and the stained-glass goat vanishes, reappearing in real life as a demonic creature.

As the goat attacks the students, Maurice attacks Irene, chases Sophie, and causes the bell tower to collapse. De bra admits to Irene that she now has faith. Irene uses the relic against Maurice, but he grabs it, causing Valak to a ppear. Similar to Father Noiret, Valak lifts Irene in the air and sets her ablaze. Irene surprisingly does not burn an d subsequently realizes she is a descendant of St. Lucy, able to harness the same power associated with the relic.

Irene and Debra pray the Words of Institution used in Christian celebrations of the Eucharist and the old barrels of wine in the room become the blood of Christ from their belief. As the blood soaks Valak, the demon is damned back to Hell. With Valak gone, Irene and Debra managed to free Maurice of possession and save his life.The next morning, Irene leads Maurice outside and helps him to regain his senses. However, she becomes concerned as sh e watches him going with Sophie and Kate inside.

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Movie Review-;

Nun 2 is a worldwide release movie directed by Michael Chavez and starring Tysa Farmiga, Jonas Plockett, Bon nie Aarons. The movie is a sequel to the 2018 movie Nun 1. In the first part of the film Nun, the same events as th e serial killing of priests and nuns in Romania take place this time in France. The Bishop sends Sister Irene back t o France to stop them. He is accompanied by Sister Debra. Did these two destroy the demon together? What we re the challenges they faced in between..? That is Nan 2. The story begins in France in 1954. There a priest is bur nt to death in the church.

Thus, knowing about the series of murders in France, the bishop sends Sister Irene back to the field, saying that the murders in Romania are connected to these murders. Sister Debra joins Sister Irene, who reluctantly goes. T he whole movie then revolves around Sister Irene’s subsequent attempts to find out that the demon she thought had been exterminated in Romania wasn’t really exterminated, and that it entered the body of Maurice (Jonas Pl ockett) in order to obtain the eyes of the powerful Saint Lucy, and that Maurice now works at the school where t he eyes were buried. 

Even though the performances of all the actors are good, Naan 2 feels a little empty right away. Despite being a g host film, the director has not made any attempt to create new horror. My form comes and goes like that. And w hen Nun 1 was released, there were many questions about the relationship between Sister Irene and Lorraine W arren, who appears in The Conjuring. The director has given a small hint that the two are related in Nan 2. Nunn 1 and Nunn 2 touch on the conjuring movies here and there, but don’t fully explain anything. Everything felt half-assed. Half story..half thrill..everything is half half.

Nan 2 is not the best film to watch on its own, but it can be said that it will be a good sidekick to the upcoming N an films. All in all, if you want to know the continuation of the story of Nan and conjuring movie lovers, you can go and watch the movie Nan 2. ‘The Conjuring’ is a film that scared everyone by claiming that it was based on a true story. Its success gave rise to hope that ghost films could take on a superhero universe concept. In that sen se, the film became a milestone for Hollywood’s horror genre. As for ‘The Conjuring’ film series, we can feel its s tory moving backwards. So, that brings us back to the 1950s, ‘The Nun’.

The story of ‘Conjuring’ revolves around Ed Warren-Lorraine Warren, an exorcist couple. In both ‘The Conjuring’ and ‘Annabelle’, the ghost ‘Wallach’ continues to threaten Lorraine and those around her, both directly and indir ectly. At least that character influence is included in the story of the other parts. Valak’s character is a trademark of the ‘Conjuring’ series. ‘The Nun’ has been released as a film that fully captures the story of this iconic characte r. If we ask ourselves after the end of the film whether it has fulfilled our expectations… the wallaak that threate ns Lorraine, threatens us too… the answer is a question mark.

First, who is Nan? Women who become nuns are referred to as ‘nun’. According to the story, in 1952, two nuns w ere living in a church in Romania. Apart from the two, they realize that there is a third person. He is Valak. A test to confirm that ‘God Ends Here’ is a test of poison and one may die. Another commits suicide by hanging himself at the church door.Father Brook (Demian Pichir) from the Vatican Catholic Order and Sister Irene (Taisa Farmig a) from a nunnery training camp arrive in Romania to investigate the murder. Aided by Frenchie (Jonas Bloggett), who first saw the body of Sister Victoria who committed suicide, the three make their way into the church.

There are so many churches in the town, why did Valak come to this church… Why did Valak dress up like Nan a nd kill the two people there… What did Valak have to do with these three who went inside… What is Valak’s con nection to ‘conjuring’ Lorraine… What does Valak really want…etc. ‘The Nun’ answers many questions. Nice try !As far as ghost movies go, someone gets possessed, then during the climax the Father comes from the church, a nd then some rituals are performed and the demon is exorcised. But as far as ‘The Nun’ is concerned, the story b egins with a haunted church.

In addition to this, the film’s greatest strength is the setting that suits the setting of the story. ‘This is not a time for prayer… a time for hunting!’ The ‘Theri’ type verses are also special. There are only four characters in the film including Nannod. In particular, Jonas Bloggett, who played the role of Frenchie, gets a lot of attention. His lutes in graveyard silence enthrall the audience.Another plus point for the film is the terrifying locations, where you s ee a ruined church, a cremation forest nearby, and a dark world everywhere. Cinematographer Maxime Alexand re has worked hard to bring it to life.

What the scene fails to deliver fear, it could have been equaled by the sound effects of composer Garzenie wski. The sound effect, which is limited to just one scene at the beginning, does not waver or lift until the end of the fil m. Lily Taylor’s baby in ‘The Conjuring’ asks, ‘Shall we play hide and seek?’ I can’t sleep at night just thinking abo ut the clapping after saying that. At least half of it could have been featured.The visuals, while taking the film to another level, could have added to the scares. Touted as ‘Nun’ Valak’s origin story, the film only makes it clear wh y Valak would have wandered into the role of ‘Nun’.

Nerudal said as if he answered these two questions in one line, why they bring Valak out of the underworl d… wh at is the purpose of Valak… The character who had such an impact could have been described with more detailin g. Director Corin Hardy, who took the film to another level only visually, seems to have slipped a bit in the story a nd the impact it gives.At the climax, the question of who will win the explosive fight with Valak, while the answe rs unfolded into predictable scenes, they did not fail to elicit applause from the audience. At the same time, fans did not hesitate to sigh that ‘The Conjuring’ movie is better than ‘The Nun’ movie after the end of the film.If the t hrill and menace of ‘The Conjuring’ had been sprinkled into this film, ‘The Nun’ would have earned its reputation among horror films.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 4 / 5