
Tom Cruise   , Hayley Atwell    , Ving Rhames , Simon Pegg  , Rebecca Ferguson   , Vanessa Kirby ,  Esai Morales  ,  P om Klementieff  , Mariela Garriga  , Henry Czerny  , Shea Whigham  , Greg Tarzan Davis  ,  Frederick Schmidt , Cary Elwes appears  , Charles Parnell, Rob Delaney, Indira Varma, ,Mark Gatiss and others.


Directer – Christopher McQuarrie , Writter – Christopher McQuarrie * Erik Jendresen , Based on  – Mission Im possible – Bruce Geller , Producer – Tom Cruise * Christopher McQuarrie  ,  Cinematography – Fraser Taggart , E dite r – Eddie Hamilton , Music –  Lorne Balfe , Production companies – Skydance * TC Productions , Distributer –  Para mount Pictures ,  Running time –  163 minutes , Country – United States , Language –  English , Budget –  $ 291 mili lion , Box office  – $68.5 million , P R O – R .S . Prakash and others.


The Russian submarine Sevastopol is testing its experimental stealth capabilities when its onboard instrument s detect another submarine launching torpedoes at it. The Sevastopol‘s captain gives the order to fire in retalia tion. However, the other submarine disappears, along with its torpedoes. The Sevastopol‘s own torpedo myster iously changes course and hits itself, killing everyone on board. Ethan Hunt receives a package detailing his ne xt mission, where he travels to the Namib desert to retrieve half of a key from his ally Ilsa Faust, who has a US $50 million bounty placed on her. In Namibia, Ethan fights off a team of bounty hunters, briefly reunites with Ilsa and tells her to lay low.

In the US, Ethan infiltrates a meeting of “the Community”, where officials of various intelligence agencies, inc luding former IMF director Eugene Kittridge and DNI Denlinger, discuss an experimental AI called “the Entity”. Originally designed to infiltrate, sabotage any digital system before erasing all traces of itself, the Entity subs equently grew out of control and escaped to the Internet, further expanding to the point of potent ial sentien ce. From its escape, the Entity has infiltrated all major defense and military systems and intelligence networks but left without sabotaging anything.

Major powers are racing both to back up their most valuable data to prevent sabotage and to gain control of t he Entity, which lies with the key. Believing the Entity is too powerful for any government to control, Ethan de cides to destroy it. He and his teammates Benji Dunn and Luther Stickell travel to Abu Dhabi International Air port to rendezvous with the holder of the other half of the key. In his pursuit of the keyholder, Ethan evades th e Community’s agents, led by Jasper Briggs as well as a mysterious third party, before losing the half-key to Gr ace, a professional pickpocket. Meanwhile, Luther identifies a hazardous piece of baggage containing a nuclea r explosive; Benji narrowly defuses it via answering a series of riddles and personal questions presented by th e Entity, discovering it to lack a core for detonation. Rattled by the Entity’s seeming precognition, as well as th e appearance of Gabriel, a man with ties to his pre-IMF past, Ethan disbands the team and goes after Grace al one.

In Rome, Ethan tracks down Grace moments before Jasper and Gabriel close in. After a lengthy chase during w hich the two are handcuffed together, Grace escapes again, but Ethan is reunited with his team and Ilsa, who u nanimously agree that the mission is more important than their lives. With Benji and Luther providing suppo r t, Ethan and Ilsa infiltrate a party held by Alanna Mitsopolis in Venice, hoping to find the buyer for the comple te key and learn what it unlocks.

Ethan meets Grace before all three of them are held at gunpoint by Alanna’s guards. Ethan learns that Alanna has sided with Gabriel and seems desperate to deliver the key to the Entity. Ethan’s team scatters and escapes in several directions. After subduing and sparing Gabriel’s subordinate Paris, Ethan is misdirected by the Enti ty masquerading as Benji. Gabriel intercepts and subdues Grace before Ilsa reaches the scene. Gabriel and Ilsa fight, with the former ultimately killing the latter before Ethan can intervene, devastating him.

A remorseful Grace is convinced to join Ethan’s team, and they prepare to board the train where Alanna will m eet the buyer. Luther leaves for an off-grid location to investigate traces of the Entity in the hard drive of his c omputer, which he disabled before the AI could erase itself. Before departing, he makes Ethan promise not to kill Gabriel before knowing what the keys are for. On the train, Gabriel kills the conductor, accelerates to maxi mum speed and destroys the controls. He meets Denlinger, who proposes an alliance between himself and the Entity. Denlinger explains the complete key unlocks the chamber housing the Sevastopol’s computer.

An early version of the Entity was injected into the system with the single task of sabotaging the submarine’s s tealth capability. It changed its own objective, tricked the Sevastopol into firing a torpedo, and then directed it back at the sub. Denlinger believes that this early version is still on the submarine’s computer hard drive, and whoever can access it can devise the means to either control or destroy the Entity. After ensuring only Denling er knows of the Sevastopol, Gabriel kills him and severely wounds Paris, knowing she would betray him becaus e of Ethan’s mercy in Venice. Impersonating Alanna, Grace brings the complete key to the buyer, who turns out to be Kittridge. Though tempted to betray Ethan for the US$100 million price and protection for herself, she si des with him, pickpockets the key back, and flees.

Ethan manages to parachute off a perilous cliff onto the train to save Grace, but Gabriel gets the key. Ethan fig hts Gabriel and gains the upper hand, nearly killing Gabriel, but is reminded that Gabriel is the only lead to the lock. With Jasper’s intervention, Gabriel escapes the trains and initiates a countdown to detonate the bridge ahead. Ethan convinces Jasper to help save the passengers. Grace and Ethan detach the locomotive and, with Paris’ help, escape the front carriages before they plunge down the broken bridge. Paris informs Ethan of the Sevastopol before falling unconscious. As Ethan flees the train, Grace informs Kittridge that she has chosen to join IMF. Ethan meets with Benji, and as Gabriel realizes his pocket is empty, they drive off with the key that Ethan pickpocketed during his fight with Gabriel.

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Movie Review-;

Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning – Part 1 is the seventh installment in the Mission Impossible film series. Th e film stars Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson, Hayley Atwell in lead roles. Christopher McCarey, Eric Jenderson wrote the screenplay and Christopher McCarey directed.With successive action films in Hollywood facing ser ies of failures, total trust is placed on Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise is called ‘Hollywood’s last action hero’. Tom Crui se fights to save the world from the enemy in the seventh installment of Mission Impossible, but this time it’s n ot a man he’s fighting!The first scene of the film begins several thousand feet under the sea.

Russia invents a new type of artificial intelligence tool. It is called NTT (Entity). With this tool you can know th e secrets of any country in the world. This tool can subvert even the most secure technology. With this inform ation one country can control another country. Nuclear weapons can be controlled, and any machine that oper ates technically can be controlled.Whoever gets their hands on such a machine can transform the world into w hatever they decide it to be. But what would be the result if such a sophisticated tool began to think for itself? This tool called ENTIT starts to think on its own. And so the film begins.

The news reaches MI agent Ethan (Tom Cruise). All the countries of the world are trying to achieve this instru ment. And many villains who want to destroy the world are also involved in this quest.There is only one way to control or destroy this tool. Only those who have two matching keys can control the NDT. Ethan is tasked with finding these two keys.The protagonist goes with his two old friends to search for it. Standing in his way, Grace (Hayley Atwell) unknowingly becomes part of the problem. Tom Cruise’s extraordinary feats in his search for t hese two parts make us sit through this three-hour film without getting bored.

They have added an element to the story to make this journey a bit more interesting. The reason why Ethan H unt (Tom Cruise) became a special agent is linked to this film. The main antagonist of the film, NDT, is known to have two keys to control himself.So it chooses one to save itself. That one and Ethan have a past history. In the film we will know why Ethan became a special agent and what is the relationship with that person.Tom Cruise fans have no shortage of stunts in the film. The specialty of these scenes is that they are set in different styles in different contexts rather than being of the same genre.

A scene is set to show the protagonist’s intelligence. The next scene is a mix of action and humor as seen in Ja c kie Chan films. Action-only scenes, and then a fight scene on a moving train in the film’s climax, like a final feas t served on a golden plate! There is no dearth of James Bond movies in Hollywood. To celebrate James Bond as the best spy in the world, Tom Cruise created a series called Mission: Impossible as I am creating a spy world, l et’s see how Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One is released as the first part of the last part of this series that saved Tom Cruise many times.


If the whole strength of the film is the stunts, then Tom Cruise has carried it in his guts and has done amazing s tunts in every stunt, who can believe that he is 61 years old. At the very beginning of the film, the action sce ne in Rome, the bike, the car is the pinny pedal.They have threatened not only in words that an AI will rule the wo rld, but also that the AI will predict the future.At the beginning of the film, everyone is working to grab the key to the airboat, and the boom that is going to explode in a few minutes, and someone to set it off is the peak of t he excitement.As per the title of the film we know that the protagonist is going to do extraordinary feats.

But Tom Cruise jumps off a mountain and fights while standing on a moving train, all performed by Tom Cruise without dope, so we, the audience, can be completely enthralled. It does not appear to us that they are some ki nd of fantasy. Especially the scenes of Tom Cruise running fast at the age of 60 without any graphics make us cr inge!Even though the film is full of extraordinary stunts, some of the biggest stunts easily come across as done for the most absurd reasons.


Behind these exquisitely shot scenes, there could have been a slightly stronger logic.Meanwhile, the main villa in of the film is a robot with the ability to think for itself. In such an environment, the protagonist wins the assa ult with small enemies without realizing what the enemy’s full strength is, which reduces the interest. In the th ree-hour long film, we see the enemy’s strategy in only one scene. Could have played a little more penetratio n.The film ends with a hint of what the second part of this action-packed film will be like.


This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 4/5