BELL Tamil Movie Revew

BELL Tamil Movie Revew


Guru Somasundaran, Sridhar (Choreographer) & Nitish Veera, Peter Chakravarthy, Durga, Josephine, Jack Arun achalam, Swetha Dorathy  , Sharmisha and others .,  


Screenplay & Direction : R Vengat Bhuvan , Producer : Peter Chakravarthy / David Nalachakravarthy ,  Music : R obert , DOP : Bharani Kannan , Story – Dialogue : Veyiloan , Art Director : Nataraj , Edit : Thiyagarajan , Executive Pr oducer: Krishna Kumar .M , Music Label : Bleu Records etc.


In the film, people live in a forest called Singhavanam. Suddenly people living there keep dying one after the oth er. Then the film’s protagonist Bell is there. Only the friend is alive. Police are investigating this. On the other ha nd, Guru Somasundaram runs Aranya Organic Farm. He asks Bell to bring the herb Nisambasurini. – Advertisem ent – How did the people die in the forest of Singhavanam in the end? Why did Guru Somasundaram ask for that herb? What is the background behind this? How did Belle and her friend survive? That is the rest of the story of the film. Through this film, it is clear that the actor is hiding inside the choreographer Sridhar. All the emotions t hat he expresses in the role of a blind man are gaining attention among the audience. The late actor Nitish Veera who appears in the imaginary character of Sridhar has shown his acting skills well.

Durga, who follows him as the heroine, has also done the work given to her perfectly. The natural environment surrounded by mountains is the plot of the film. The cinematography and background music add strength to the film. But the songs are approx. The director has focused on the story of Siddhas trading herbs and making money. But, it doesn’t seem like a complete screen story. The film would have been better if it had given a little more inn ovation and interest. Although it is a good idea, if the director had paid attention to the performance of the actor s, the budget and the thought of everything, this film would have definitely reached the masses. This movie whic h tells about the pride of Tamils can have a better name in Tamil. All in all, Master Sridhar’s Bell film is very good.

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People are dying mysteriously in the forest called Singavanam, the police officers come to know about this and take the dead from the forest, in which the hero of the story Bell and his friend are alive, both of them are inter rogated by the police officers. Gurusoma Sundaram Aranya is running an organic farm, he asks Bell to bring the herb Nisambasurini, did Bell give him the herb he needed? or not And the reason why people died mysteriously in Singhavanam forest and why Kurusomasundaram wants to reach for that herb is the rest of the story of the fi lm… An average of 200 Tamil films are released every year. If you count the number of films that show the pride of Tamils, there will be many fingers left. This film talks highly about the glory of Palandamir and especially the medical methods of Palandamir. The name of the hero in the film is Bell. (Remember the world famous scientist Graham White) Belle and her friend are the only ones alive while the people living in the forest called Singhavan am are dying one after the other. The entire film is about the police investigation.

In the story told by Bell, Nisumba Suthani, one of the deities worshiped in Tamil Nadu, is actually the name of an herb and the name of the herb which has the power to bring the dead back to life, is said to be the name of the de ity later on. The rest of the story is whether Bell’s father is the only one who knows the secret of Nisumba Sutha ni, and he has passed on the knowledge to his son, forcing the film’s villain to find the herb. Veteran actor ‘Nitish Veera’ has played the role of Belle in this film with special visual skills. His dedicated performance is admirable. Moreover, the single shot in which he describes Nisumba Suthani lasts for almost ten to fifteen minutes. Nitish Veera, who memorized the dialogues in one take and adapted himself to the camera angle, gets kudos. It is sad to think that such an actor is no longer alive. Guru Somasundaram plays a wandering villain whose ambition is to o btain nisumba sudhani, almost like a panacea herb. His performance as a no-nonsense villain is commendable wi th maturity.

Famous dance master Sridhar is also making his debut as an actor in this film. Although it is the first film, Sridhar has done his role perfectly. It’s a shame that this role doesn’t give him the chance to do that with his dancing tale nt. The two heroines don’t have much work to do. Venkat Bhuvan, who has directed it, seems to have thought th at even if a film is made, it should be made as an item. It’s a good idea, but efforts like this can only reach a wider audience if they’re given a bigger cast and a bigger budget. Cinematographer Paranik Kannan and music compo ser Robert have given suitable cinematography and music for the film. A movie that tells about the pride of Tami ls can have a better name in Tamil. However, the film’s crew, including producer Peter Raj, can be commended for making a good point. Bell – The sound of the bell announcing Tamil pride to the world..! Guru Somasundaram’s p erformance is outstanding and  the film tells the story of Tamil pride. As far as Tamil cinema is concerned, this ye ar small budget films are achieving unexpected success.

It is because of the story and innovative screenplay. A similar film has been released this week. That film is Bell. Let’s see about the story of the film directed by Venkat Bhuvan. The descendants of the Siddhas are the family of the hero. They preserve the herb that gives them the power to live for a hundred years. Similarly, Guru Somasun daram, a descendant of the Siddhas, wants to capture the herb and sell it abroad to earn money. Is this accomplis hed? Bell film is whether that herb is preserved. Choreographer Sridhar plays the offspring of Agathiya Siddha. S ince he is blind, he imagines an image of himself. Late actor Nitish Veera has played the character. His friend is pl ayed by producer Peter. Nitish Veera has done a great job as a blind man. He has given an emotional performanc e in the scenes where he tries to save Herb. Peter who plays his friend is also good. Sridhar Master has surprised to be such a great actor. He has given an excellent performance. Durga plays the heroine. They have shown the same character as two different actors. It’s a little confusing at first, but you get the hang of it.

Guru Somasundaram’s performance is the biggest strength of the film. Coming from the Siddhar dynasty, he has shown villainy as a cruel man who will do anything for money. Jack Arunachalam, Sharmisha , Swetha Dorathi,jo
sephine’s acting is also good. Our forefathers and siddhas have left innumerable herbs for us, but there are peop le who do not understand its beauty. There are still many herbs in the mountains. Director Venkat Bhuvan has di rected the film with the intention of protecting it all. Waylon’s verses reflect today’s situation. Paranikannan’s ci nematography captures the mountains and nature beautifully. Thiagarajan’s editing is okay. A couple of songs ar e okay with Robert’s music. The background music has increased the anticipation of the visuals. Overall the dire ctor has tried to say that natural herbs and ancestral powers are something to be protected. A little more work o n the screenplay would have been more successful. Kudos to the director for his efforts. 

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 4 /5