1982 Anbarasin Kaadhal Tamil Movie Review

1982 Anbarasin Kaadhal Tamil Movie Review


Ashik Merlin ,  Chandana Aravind , Amal Raveendran ,  Arunima Raj , Harish Sivaprakasam , Selva , Ullas Shankar , Sumathi Das  ,Tamilan, and others.


Written and Directer : Ullas Shankar , Producer : Biju Karimbinkalayil , Co-producer : Shine Aliyas , DOP: Jisbin Sebastian , Editor : Greyson ACA , Music : S. Chinthamani , Singers : K. S. Chitra, Ranjith Govind, Haricharan, Bij oy P Jacob , Lyricist : S. Chinthamani, Vaigaimani , BGM : Anumod Sivaram, Benny Joseph , Stills : Nithin K Udaya n , Art : Shibu Krishna , PRO : Vijaya Muralee , Designs : Venkat. RK and others .


Tamil Nadu boy Ashiq Merlin and Malayalam girl Santana living on the border of Kerala are getting friendly, Ash iq Merlin falls in love with Santana. But for 3 years he has not said love.  Aashiq calls Merlin on Santana’s phone and asks him to take her to a certain place on a motorcycle. Aashiq and Merlin go to Kerala to take Santana and travel through the hill forests when they are intercepted by the raiders. They run away from them.Ullash Shan k ar saves both of them and takes them to his place. There they run away again fearing Ullash Shankar staring at t hem. Ullash chases after them. Are they both stuck with him? What happened to love? Who is Ullash Shankar? T hat is the rest of the story of the film.Aashiq is energetic as Merlin’s young lover who expresses his romantic fe elings. Expresses love woes naturally. The scene where he drags his girlfriend and runs into the forest to escape from the raiders is great. Santana looks gorgeous. Amal Ravindran, who is coming as another hero, has given the necessary performance to the character.

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Movie Review-;

 The hero Aashiq Merlin is in love with his college friend Santana Aravind. Meanwhile, Aashiq goes to Merlin to help Arvind find someone. On the way both get into trouble, Ullash Shankar saves them and makes them stay at his place. Scared by Ullash Shankar’s actions, the two try to escape from him, but Ullash Shankar refuses to let th em go. What is Ullash Shankar abandoning them for?, Who is Santana Aravind looking for? What happened to A ashiq Merlin’s one-sided love affair? The answer to such questions is the rest of the story of the movie ‘1982 An barasin Kadhal Aashiq is energetic as Merlin’s young lover who expresses his romantic feelings. Expresses love woes naturally.


The scene where he drags his girlfriend and runs into the forest to escape from the raiders is great. Santana look s gorgeous. Amal Ravindran, who is coming as another hero, has given the necessary performance to the chara cter. Aashiq Merlin, who is playing the role of Anbarasu, has done a perfect job in the role of not taking anyth ing to his head and only thinking about love at all times. He plays the role of a debutante who does not knock whate ver his girlfriend says, who is troubled by the state of his love and celebrates the same love in the coming togeth er environment. Amal Ravindran, who is playing the second lead, has done his job flawlessly despite his lim ited role. Santana Aravind and Arunima Raj are the two heroines in the film.

Both look like laddus made in Kerala Putle. As the entire story revolves around the heroines, both of them attra ct attention by playing the characters who travel with the story. Director Ullash Shankar, who plays the lead cha racter, is full of all the features of a villain. The creeper, with his unnervingly sharp eyes and rugged appearance, is menacing throughout the film, though he doesn’t speak much. Harish Sivaprakasham, Selva, who plays the he ro’s friends, Sumathi Das, who plays the hero’s mother, and Tamilan, who plays the role of Murugan, have all act ed naturally. Cinematographer Sebastian has shot the entire film in lush green locations and is a feast for the ey es.

All the scenes featured in the film are green and beautiful places, so wherever the camera is placed it looks bea utiful. Music composed by S. Chintamani, the songs are catchy and the background music is suitable for the sto ry.  Aashiq plays Merlin’s romantic love scenes perfectly and slyly as the young lover. The one who ignores what ever his girlfriend says, who gets upset about his girlfriend’s condition and celebrates in the same romantic atm osphere makes him forget that he is a new actor. Amal Ravindran, who is playing the second lead role, has done well in less scenes.Santana Aravind and Arunima Raj are the two heroines in the film. Both look like laddus made in Kerala Putle.

As the entire story revolves around the heroines, both of them attract attention by playing the characters who travel with the story.Director Ullash Shankar, who plays the lead character, is full of all the features of a villain. T he creeper, with his unnervingly sharp eyes and rugged appearance, is menacing throughout the film, though he doesn’t speak much.Harish Sivaprakasham, Selva, who plays the hero’s friends, Sumathi Das, who plays the hero ‘s mother, and Tamilan, who plays the role of Murugan, have all acted naturally.Kind of listening songs in Chinta mani music.. Background music is special. Sebastian Camera captures the beauty of the hilly terrain.

Ullash Shankar, who has written and directed, has tried to tell a sentimental love story by comparing it with the mood of 1982 and the current mood. But in his screenplay, the love story turns into a riot story as some other thi ngs are emphasized instead of love.However, Ullash Shankar’s brutality and murderous attack on any young man in sight makes the film worth watching.Director Ullash Shankar tells two different love stories from the beginni ng of the film with many twists like horror, mystery, action, comedy in a lively and colorful display that attracts p eople from all walks of life. Film editor Grayson is stumped by not being able to properly film the love story that the director wanted to tell.

Ullash Shankar, who has written and directed, has tried to tell a sentimental love story by comparing it with the mood of 1982 and the current mood. But in his screenplay, the love story turns into a riot story as some other thi ngs are emphasized instead of love. However, Ullash Shankar’s brutality and murderous attack on any young ma n in sight makes the film worth watching. The director Ullash Shankar has to be appreciated for filming a simple story in a very simple manner within certain areas. At the same time, if he had told the story a little more clearly, the fans would have been happy with the film ‘1982 Anbarasin Kaadhal’

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 4/5