BEGINNING Tamil Movie Review

BEGINNING Tamil Movie Review


Vinoth Kishan, Gouri G Kishan, Sachinn, Rohini, Laguparan, Mahendran, Surlee, Kpy Bala and Others.


Written & Directed : Jagan Vijaya , Production : Thirrupathi Brothers , Produced : Vijaya Muthusamy, Jagan Vij aya ,Backround Music : K.S. Sundaramurthy , DOP : Veerakumar , Editor : C.S. Premkumar , Art Director : K.V. Mu ru gamani , Production Executive : Marriyappan Ganapathy , Voice Recordist : Dheeleben Eraniyan , Audio grahy : Tony J , Mixing : Black And White , DI : Firefox Studio , Colorist : Rajesh J , Visual Effects : Mohamed Akram , Sou nd Effects : Thomas Kuriyan, Eswaran , Publicity Design : Gibson , PRO : Johnson , and others .


The heroine of the story, Gauri, is kidnapped by four men, one of whom falls in love with Gauri through Faceboo k, but Gauri doesn’t accept it, so they kidnap Gauri. A phone is found in the place where Gauri is abducted and fr om that phone he calls a virtual number. Gauri’s phone call goes to Balasubramaniam, who is mentally retarded. After Balasubramaniam picked up the phone, did Gauri explain her situation to Balasubramaniam and escape fr om the problem? or not That is the rest of the story of the film…Director Jagan Vijaya made this as a new initiat ive

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Movie Review-;

 Beginning – A novel attempt with a strong message ‘Beginning’ arrives in theaters today carrying the tag “Asia’s first split screen movie”.  The innovative attempt to show the audiences two different sequences occurring at the same time simultaneously is the USP.   The writing is very important in such films as an engaging screenplay sho uld be woven around the unique idea.  Let’s see if debutant director Jagan Vijaya has pulled it off. Vinod Kishan Kelari, Krishna Rohini, Sachin, Kpy Bala and others, Cinematography by Veerakumar, Music by Sundaramurthy, Screenplay by Jagan Vijaya, Directed by Jagan VijayaBalasubramaniam (Vinoth Kishan) is a mentally challenged man who has an IQ of a child.

His mother Arputham (Rohini) who treats him lovingly locks him up in the house when she goes out for her job, leaving only a landline phone with him.  On the other side of the screen Chandru (Sachin) kidnaps a young girl Ni thya (Gouri G Kishan) with the help of his two friends and keeps her a hostage in a house.   The mundane life of Balasubramaniam is shown along with the struggles of Nithya to escape from the ruthless men.  Things turn in teresting when Nithya finds an old cellphone and her call reaches the childlike man.  Can he with his low level of understanding save the girl or not is what ‘Beginning’ is all about on the surface but carries a deeper message.

Vinod is a mentally retarded young man and his mother Rohini is separated from her husband. He is alone at ho me and his only phone and TV are the world. One day he received a call and three people kidnapped me. Kathar ukira said save me. Since he is mentally ill, he tries to help you by asking many questions and saying that he will help you, but all his efforts are in vain. He can’t even go out of the house because the house is locked because of the current cut and the police can’t go because of his past actions the police won’t believe anything he says and despite this the rest of the story is how he saved Gauri.

Vinoth Kishan initially gives the impression of hamming it up and takes time to get into the skin of the character as the film progresses.  His performance in the climax though is very impressive.  Similarly Gouri G Kishan also d oes not convince the audience that she is in any sort of danger in the beginning. But post the interval when a ve ry unfortunate fate befalls her, the performance picks up and soars.  Sachin as the evil Chandru is effective in his subdued villainy while the two actors who play his henchmen are also adequate. Rohini brings her vast experie nce to yet another small but impactful role. 

Lagubaran appears in an important role that helps elevate Vinoth Kishan’s character to a higher level. Two Ho uses is the whole movie Vinod is moving the screenplay with five characters in total and saving everything is old tricks.The thing that should be praised in the film is the performance of the actors and there is a twist in the scri pt that no one expected, the boyfriend comes and he is useless. Baraton too.Vinod and Kelari’s acting is the stre ngth of the movie as well as the villain Sachin’s excellent performance with a baby face and he does amazing vil lainy. The strength of the actors is good, the way the director has told it is good but something is missing so it dr ags a bit and the whole movie has only one sound and it gives us noise.

Plus actors of the film Minus the background music and the sloppy screenplayWhat works best in ‘Beginning’ is the climactic sequence when the unlikely character of Balasubramaniam saves Nithya without actually saving her in a physical sense.  The message that is delivered hits hard and the parallels drawn between Nithya and Ro hini’s character hints at a strong writing that is sadly missing in other parts. The growing bonding between the two strangers forms the essence of the entire story which is convincingly told. There are a few genuine comedy scenes such as Vinoth Kishan drawing a margin before taking down a phone number in a serious situation.

On the downside it takes too long for the screenplay to arrive at the point it makes.  The first half does not move organically and it seems as if the actors are robotically performing on cue.Music director K.S. Sundaramurthy’s background score, Veerakumar’s cinematography and C.S. Premkumar’s editing and K.V. Murugamani’s art direc tion have all worked together in bringing the writer-director’s vision to the screens.  N. Linguswamy’s Thirrup at hi Brothers has once again opted to give Tamil audiences a novel film.  Writer-director Jagan Vijaya deserves pra ise for the strong themes and messages that standout above the novelty factor.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD –CNN OTV-Ratting – 4/5