MGM Healthcare gives ‘second life’ to Jordan man with rare genetic disorder

MGM Healthcare gives ‘second life’ to Jordan man with rare genetic disorder

 ~ Rarest-of-rare combined surgery including live liver donor transplant and artificial large blood vessel reconstruction performed on 35-year-old ~

 Chennai, December 6th, 2022: Institute of liver diseases and transplant, MGM Healthcare, Multi Super Speciali ty Hospital in Chennai, has successfully treated a 35-year-old male from Jordan with a rare genetic blood disea se – Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) (recurrent propensity for clotting and lysis of blood) and Bu dd-chiari syndrome (BCS) a disorder characterised by obstruction of hepatic venous outflow and inferior vena cava reaching up to heart and end stage liver failure.

Analysing the complexities involved in this case, the experts from MGM Hospital took a multidisciplinary appr oach, including liver transplant surgeons (Dr Thiagarajan Srinivasan, Director, Liver Transplant, Dr Karthik Math ivanan, Associate Director Liver Transplant), cardio thoracic surgeons(Dr KR Balakrishnan, Chairman, Heart Tr ansplant) haematologists, liver anaesthetists and critical care specialists( Dr Dinesh Babu and Dr Nivash C) and hepatologists devised a unique treatment protocol for the patient which included a combination of a liver tran splant and removal of clots from the blood vessels reaching the heart.

Explaining the treatment procedure, Dr Thiagarajan Srinivasan said, “The patient’s brother donated a part of his liver after ascertaining the absence of genetic disease. Before and after surgery, the patient underwent multiple courses of monoclonal antibody therapy(Eculuzimab) to keep the clotting and hemolysis at bay. A combined liv ing donor liver transplant with replacement of the inferior vena cava with a synthetic Dacron graft* was done. He added that it has been four months since the procedure and the patient was doing well. The team of doctors are planning a bone marrow transplant to cure his genetic illness. To our knowledge this is the first time in the country such a complex course of treatment with liver transplant has happened for such a complicated rare ge netic disorder with liver failure.”

The patient was suffering from a rarest-of-rare fatal, sharing his thoughts, Dr. Karthik Mathivanan said, “Genetic condition which was leading to end stage liver failure, the patient needed a liver transplant with replacement of inferior vena cava. It was the only life-saving option, though it posed very high chances of recurrent clotting of bl ood vessels.”  

Doctors Dinesh and Nivash said, “Rapid depletion of red blood cells, blood clot formation, impaired bone marr ow function was treated with monoclonal antibody therapy and effective anticoagulants. The team of skilled specialists at MGM have given a new lease of life to the 35-year-old man”.

*Dacron graft is a synthetic polyester material used to replace body tissues. They are in the shape of a tube to replace or repair blood vessels.

About MGM Healthcare:

Born out of a need for altruism, MGM Healthcare is obsessed with bettering patient experiences and improving clinical outcomes through expertise, passion and technology. The manifestation of this dedication to superlative health-caring is a state-of-the-art hospital on Nelson Manickam Road having 400 beds, 50 out-patient consulta tion rooms, over 100 critical care beds, 250+ Doctors, 12 Centers of excellence, 30+ Clinical Departments, 12 st ate-of-the-art Operating Theatres and 24 x 7 comprehensive Emergency Care. Here, a host of eminent surg eons and physicians wield a potent combination of skill and cutting edge technology to elevate care and out om es to new levels. MGM Healthcare is the first hospital in Asia with the highest rated USGBC LEED Platinum-cer tified Green Hospital.

Over the past year, the team of clinical experts at MGM Healthcare have performed many innovative and com plex surgeries in the pursuit of establishing trust and clinical excellence. MGM Healthcare designed and equip ped with the latest in technology and equipment is poised to drive patient centricity and clinical excellence of both the domestic and international patients.