The leaders of Round Table India, Santhosh and Vijayaragavendra, have said

The leaders of Round Table India, Santhosh and Vijayaragavendra, have said that more than 7,890 classrooms have been built across India through the project ‘Freedom Through Education’.

Round Table India Week is celebrated on 14th November every year. 

This year too, various welfare schemes were provided to transgenders, differently-abled persons, etc. in order to promote equality. 

After this, in a press conference held in Chennai, the head of the organization, Santosh, said that 7890 classroo ms have been built across India through the project called ‘Freedom Through Education’.

He also said that this organization, which provides services inc luding free heart surgery and ambulance facility for children, has developed specially designed wheel chairs in collabo ratio n with IIT and distributed them to ar ound 200 people. Apart from this, it is helping more than 500 beneficiaries in collabor ation with financial institu tions, he said. 

Area 2 of Round Table India is an area that includes Chennai, Puducherry and Nellore and various projects are being implemented well in this area Vijay Raghavendra said.