Envision – India’s First Energy festival driving Industry- Academia led technology transformation towards Net Zero Emissions in India

Envision – India’s First Energy festival driving Industry- Academia led technology transformation towards Net Zero Emissions in India

Chennai, October 31st, 2022: In an endeavor to set the vision for Industry-Academia led technology transf orm ation aimed at taking India towards Net-Zero by 2047, IIT Madras Research Park along with India Energy Stor age Alliance (IESA) is organising ENVISION – India’s First Energy Festival  at IITMRP between 3rd-5th November, 2022. 

The event will be inaugurated by Dr N Kalaiselvi (Director General, CSIR – Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (CSIR-CECRI), Dr. Ajay Mathur ( Director General, International Solar Alliance) and Prof. Ashok Jhun jhunwala (President – IITM Research Park, IITM Incubation Cell & RTBI).  

The conference will be witnessed by CXOs, Industry members, government dignitaries, and institutional bodies and features seminars, panel discussions, student led project demonstrations and activities surrounding the disc ourse “Towards Net-Zero”. Prominent industrial giants, Tata Steel, Lucas TVS, Toyota Connected India, Cambrid ge Mobile Telematics and CrossBow Labs have come onboard as key partners for the event.

The 3-day conference explores 10+ thematic areas over the course of the conference following the larger theme of techno-economic readiness of Renewable Energy technologies and their estimated commercialization timelin es. Day one of the conference will focus on technologies immediately available to commercialise, the second day is for technologies which can be scaled in 5 to 10 years and the third day will be on technologies, which require major R&D today, so that they can scale in 10 to 15 years.

EnVision will be a one-stop summit to discuss various burning issues to craft the future of cleantech in India through 15+ expert talks and 6+ panel discussions. As a participant, one will witness thought-provoking dial ogue and discourse ranging across topics from Renewable energy generation: Technology and economics, short dur ation grid storage: Batteries, thermal storage systems to Enhancing energy efficiency: Heating and Cooling, Electric Ve hicles, Green Hydrogen generation and more.

EnVision will feature expert talks by over 25+ top energy voices from industry & academia including; Milind Kulkarni (President – PV Manufacturing, Reliance New Energy Solar); Mr. Sujoy Ghosh (Vice President & Coun try Managing Director India, First Solar); Dr. R. Gopalan (Reg Director, ARCI), Ravi Chandran Purushothaman (President, Danfoss India); Mr. Akshay Singhal (Chief of Climate Action, Log9), Mr. Randheer Singh (NITI), Mr. Shaji John (Sr. VP, Ohmium); Mrs. Anuradda Ganesh (Chief Technical Advisor, Cummins), Dr. Sanik Nag (TATA Steel), Dr. A.K. Naik (Principle Scientist, BARC), Mr. Alexander Hogeveen Rutter (Private Sector Specialist, ISA) and more.

The event also promises a showcase of 10+ student led innovations & project demonstrations, screening of thou ght-provoking documentaries on sustainability, climate change & renewable energy and a novel Electric Vehicle (EV) Parade where miscellaneous EV fabrications take to the road in a rally through the IITM campus till IITMRP. 

 Speaking about the event, Prof Ashok Jhunjhunwala, President, IIT Madras Research Park & IITM Incubation Cell says “India ranks third in the world in total greenhouse gas emissions – the result of having the second-lar gest population and being the third largest in energy consumption. This clearly indicates that the time to act on this is now. By jointly initiating a platform like EnVision, we are bringing together the best across industry, acad emia, startups and students to work collaboratively on innovative solutions that can help us achieve net zero by 2047.

“This will accelerate our sustainable energy transition and enable us to deploy clean energy technologies at scal e. We also hope to greatly accelerate India’s move towards achieving 100% Renewable Energy by 2047, one of the ambitious goals we have challenged ourselves to acheive for India as part of our 10X initiative.” he added.

Debi Prasad Dash, Executive Director, India Energy Storage Alliance expresses, We are happy to partner with IITMRP for driving industry academia partnership. Envision is India’s first energy festival that is bringing togeth er industry experts, eminent professors, energy start-ups, students and research scholars on one platform to sh are best practices and solutions Towards Net Zero. The participants will have an exciting and unique opportunity to learn from the best. This is one of the kind of event which cannot be missed.

For more details and registration, visit- https://indiaesa.info/events/ongoing-upcoming-events/iesa-iitmrp-conference


IIT Madras Research Park is India’s first University-based Research Park and a Section 8 Not-for-Profit Compan y home to 75+ R&D companies, 270+ Startups and 9 Centres of Excellence. Envisioned to “Bringing unlike minds together”, the Research Park primarily focuses on pioneering Industry-Academia interaction leading to comme rcialization of scalable and unique technology-based solutions, several of which have found wide market reach. The Research Park holds high eminence for epitomizing an innovation paradigm ecosystem across geographical boundaries, driving the roadmap towards achieving mammoth technological goals for India through its flagship project- 10X. 

For more information about IIT Madras Research Park visit: https://respark.iitm.ac.in/

About India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA)

IESA is a leading industry alliance focused on the development of advanced energy storage, green hydrogen, and e-mobility technologies in India. Founded in 2012, by Customized Energy Solutions (CES), IESA’s vision is to mak e India a global hub for R&D, manufacturing, and adoption of advanced energy storage, e-mobility, and green hyd rogen technologies. The alliance has been at the forefront of efforts seminal in shaping an enabling policy frame work for the adoption of energy storage, electric mobility, green hydrogen, and emerging clean technologies in India. Today, IESA is a proud network of 160+ member companies, encompassing industry verticals from energy storage, EV manufacturing, EV charging infrastructure, green hydrogen, microgrids, power electronics, renew ab leenergy, research institutes, and universities, and cleantech startups.

IESA website: www.indiaesa.info