Kuzhali Tamil Movie Review

Kuzhali Tamil Movie Review


Vignesh , Aara , Maha , Shalini , Senthi kumari  , Alex and others .


Writer – Director Chera Kalayaiarasan , Production –  Mukkuzhi Films , Producer –  KP.Velu * S.Jeyaraman * M.S.R a machandran , Music   – D.M.Udayakumar , D.O.P  –  Shameer , Film editor –  T. Thiyagu , Art director  – M.Babu * P raba karan , Stunt director  Tamil  –  Choreographer –  Sri Shankar , Lyricist  – Karthik Netha * Thanikkoti * Raja G urusamy * Agnes Tamilselvan , Stills – Maniyan , Mixing –  Anand Ramachandran , CG  – Sathish , PRO –  Riaz k Ah med etc .


The plot revolves around what kind of problems arise when people from different castes fall in love in a village fu ll of caste tensions. Vignesh and Ara are studying in the twelfth standard in a village school that still follows the caste hierarchy. A few years ago a high caste man impregnates a low caste girl in the name of love and cheats her. Those upper castes who do not accept this love humiliate the girl’s father by letting the dog bite him. Vignesh’s f ather, who is in a good position in the lower class, did not object to this and the people belonging to Achhamuga are angry. Meanwhile, the young man, who is desperate to somehow reconcile the love of these two, appeals to the person concerned about this. As a result, this matter is known to the woman’s house and they are angry. Wh at happened to the love of these two? What do they do to accept love? How do they recover from caste discrimi nation? That is the rest of the story of the film.

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Movie Review-;

Vignesh and Ara are studying in the twelfth standard in a village school that still follows the caste hierarchy. A few years ago a high caste man impregnates a low caste girl in the name of love and cheats her. Those upper ca stes who do not accept this love humiliate the girl’s father by letting the dog bite him. Vignesh’s father, who is in a good position in the lower class, did not object to this and the people belonging to Achhamuga are angry. Mea nwhile, the young man, who is desperate to somehow reconcile the love of these two, appeals to the person co ncerned about this. As a result, this matter is known to the woman’s house and they are angry. What happened to the love of these two? What do they do to accept love? How do they recover from caste discrimination? That is the rest of the story of the film.

Director Sera Kalaiyarasan has thought of taking a story that has been seen in Tamil cinema for ages and making a screenplay for it. The first half is full of love scenes and the second half deals with the caste problem. The love scenes seen in the first half do not go with the story and are seen as mere scenes. It is commendable that he tried to emphatically state the caste problems that are still going on in the villages of Tamil Nadu. The director gets ap plause by emphatically speaking about casteism through dialogues. Vignesh Kaka Talli has given his Vidalai Paru va performance beautifully. He has beautifully accepted and acted as an unrequited schoolboy love. Aara, who pl ays the female lead, gives a beautiful performance that reminds us of our school friend. Sentikumari, who plays t he heroine’s mother, speaks of caste pride in the final scene and gets applause from everyone.

And everyone including Maha, Shalini, Alex have done their job well. Sameer’s cinematography beautifully cap t ures the village background. He has realistically told the life of those people. All the songs are beautiful but the locations where it takes place are not enjoyable. Overall hose – reality. Living in a village full of caste tensions, the hero Kakamuttai Vignesh and the heroine Aara both study in the twelfth standard in the same class.They b oth belong to different castes and fall in love. What happens then? What you think happens. But what is new in this film is that its basic reason changes.Vignesh, the hero, is due to his caste and living conditions to be patient without the vitriolic impulse.Welcome to heroine Aara. She is crawling as a free woman. Do we all drink water in our house? When the hero’s mother asks, Aura’s action shakes the foundations of caste. 

His decision is shocking.Sentikumari, who plays the heroine’s mother, gets a welcome as usual. What he does in the final scene, speaking with caste pride, is special. Maha, Shalini, Alex and others have done their part.Samee r’s cinematography captures the beauty of the village and the inner feelings of the downtrodden people.Songs composed by DM Udayakumar can be heard. But they may have changed their places of occurrence. Sera Kalai yarasan’s direction again showcases a Tamil Nadu village with all its pros and cons.Are you going to see if you are dead and your casteman will lift you up? It is full of action verses like.Among those who would give up anything for love, the director gives new hope by showing new youngsters who dare to give up love for education.But the end result is a slap in the face of today’s reality.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting-3 /5