Drama Tamil Movie Review

Drama Tamil Movie Review




Production – Vibe 3 Productions, Sasikala Production , Producer –  P Antony Doss   , Director – Aju Kizhumala
Producer – Antony Raj M ,Co Producers – Jayachandran PP, Dr. Jolly Ambukan , DOP – Shinos , BGM – Bijibal
Editing – Akhil Alias , Music – Bijibal, Jaya K Dos, Jecin George , Lyrics – Ekadesi , Effects – Sethu , Makeup – Binu Ajay , Choreography – Karthik K , Audiography AL Thukaram, J Maheshwaran , VFX – Live Action Studios , DI – Action Framesn , P R O – Bharani ,Thiru Kumaran etc.


The challenge was to film the story in a single shot of 2 hours and 13 minutes. However, the film crew has achie ved what they thought after practicing for more than 100 days. However, does Singhal Shot need a break? The thought of Let’s read the review of the film which is a mystery thriller fictional film. According to the story, A n ew SI comes to work in a police station. Jai Bala. As it is his girlfriend Kavya Bellu’s birthday, everyone is celebra ting by cutting a cake at the police station. At that time there was an unexpected power cut. Constable Charlie is murdered. Who did the murder? Kishore steps in in the second half to find out the reason behind the murder. Did you discover the mysterious murder? Isn’t it? The rest is the story…

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Movie Review-;

The film “Drama” has Kishore Kumar, Charlie, Jai Bala, Vincent Nakul, Vinod Munna, Kavya Bellu, Maria Prince, Preethi Shah Premkumar, Vijayalakshmi in the lead roles. The film is a single shot film directed by Aju Kilumala. The challenge was to film the story in a single shot of 2 hours and 13 minutes. However, the film crew has achie ved what they thought after practicing for more than 100 days. However, does Singhal Shot need a break? The thought of Let’s read the review of the film which is a mystery thriller fictional film. A new SI comes to work in a police station. Jai Bala. As it is his girlfriend Kavya Bellu’s birthday, everyone is celebrating by cutting a cake at the police station. At that time there was an unexpected power cut.

Constable Charlie is murdered. Who did the murder? Kishore steps in in the second half to find out the reason behind the murder. Did you discover the mysterious murder? Isn’t it? The rest is the story…Jai Bala has played a smart character in the role of a policeman. The director has given a strong character to the heroine Kavya. Here and there, the careful acting is evident. Charlie and Vincent’s performances keep us in the film. Kudos to Vincen t. Kishore who comes in the second half is a perfect choice for the character. Everyone who sees the film will feel that the film would have been better if he had borne the burden of the story.Director Aju chose a good story and why he thought of making a single shot film, it is clear to him.

An awareness-raising story about “NEET” would have been more interesting if it had been set up with a better screenplay. But kudos to him for taking a single shot. It has to be said that Aju has set a story that takes place in the morning and travels to the night time in a beautiful single shot. It is appreciable that the camera was taken outside the station and displayed at the places where the lighting needed to be changed. Bijibal’s music is abou  Average . One morning in a police station, the electricity suddenly goes out. The head constable working there at that time is mysteriously murdered. Who killed him? The drama is to find out before the high officials get out. Jaipala Kavyabellu’s romantic scenes are set in a youthful manner.

Clashes between the policemen including Charlie and Vincent Nakul highlight the realities of the police station. He can be used as an example for police officers. Director Ajugimala has taken many dangerous new initiatives like one police station one night and one shot. Therefore, although the scenes are slow and testing, in the middle they have balanced by showing love, lust, the status of women even in the police, the pulse of transgenders. At th e end, when Charlie’s murder and the reason for it is revealed, the idea contained in it is shocking. The final scene which brings to light the deaths caused by the NEET exam and Maria Prince who expresses it emotionally shows that this is not an ordinary drama but a powerful drama that speaks against the oppression of the Union Gove rn ment.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting-3 /5