National Logistics Policy stands as one of the key initiatives in improving the effectiveness of India’s logistics
Commenting on the latest National Logistics Policy, Mr. Apurva Mankad, Founder, and CEO of WebXpress said, “The National Logistics Policy stands as one of the key initiatives in improving the effectiveness of India’s logistics eco system. After seeing success in implementing GST to remove the interstate barrier in moving cargo, this policy should help integrate local supply chains with international supply chains better.
Digital transformation of this sector will also bring in global stand ards in warehousing infrastructure and opera tions by facilitating technology integration. Digitalisation of operations across the logi stics sector will certainly make the dream cum true by re ducing the bottom–line expenses by expediting the last–mile delivery, hel ping bu sinesses save time and money. This will help Govern ment achieve its dream by moving the logistic cost for busin ess from 13-14 % to a single di git. Moreover, in the long run, this initiative wil l create a single-window e-logistics market and focus on the gene ration of employment, skill development, and competi tiven ess among medium and small enterprises. The reduce d logistics cost and increased efficiencies will energise the economy across sectors in multiple ways and take us many steps closer to emerging as a global manufacturing powerhouse.”