Thor: Love and Thunder Movie Review

Thor: Love and Thunder Movie Review


Chris Hemsworth , Christian Bale ,Tessa Thompson ,Jaimie Alexander ,Taika Waititi ,Russell Crowe ,Natalie Por tman , Matt Damon, Sam Neill,Luke HemsworthPeter Quill / Star-Lord, Mantis, Drax the Destroyer, Nebula, Gro ot, Rocket,Kraglin ObfonteriChris Pratt, Pom Klementieff, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, Vin Diesel, Bradley Coo per,  LokiOdin, , Melissa McCarthy , Hela, Ben Falcone , Miek. ,Kat Dennings , Stellan Skarsgard , Darcy Lewi s , E rik Selvig,  Idris Elba ,Heimdall  ,Simon Russell ,Beale   Dionysus,, Bast.,Jonathan Brugh, , What We Do in the Shad owsElsa Pataky  , Jenny Morris  , Brett Goldstein , Hercules ,Jeff Goldblum ,Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey  and ot hers ,


Directe – Taika Waititi ,Written – Taika Waititi , Jennifer Kaytin Robinson Based on Marvel Comics ,Producer – Kevin Feige *Brad Winderbaum , Cinematography  –  Barry Idoine ,Editer – Matthew Schmidt *Peter S. Elliot *Tim Roche , Jennifer Vecchiarello ,Music – Michael Giacchino , Nami Melumad ,Production company – Marvel Studios
Distributer – Walt Disney Studios * Motion Pictures ,Release dates , Country  – United States ,Language  – English ,P R O – Suresh Chandra *Rekha D’One and others .


After the death of his daughter Love and his pleas for help are ignored by his god, Rapu, Gorr is called to the god-killing weapon the Necrosword and uses it to kill Rapu, vowing to kill all gods. Elsewhere, Thor parts ways with the Guardians of the Galaxy after receiving a distress signal from Sif. Upon arrival, a beaten Sif warns Thor of Go rr and that his next target is New Asgard. Dr. Jane Foster, Thor’s ex-girlfriend who is diagnosed with terminal ca ncer arrives at New Asgard in hopes of seeking medical treatment. Thor’s destroyed hammer Mjolnir reforges  an d bonds itself to Foster after years earlier Thor had unknowingly enchanted it to protect her. Thor arrives in New Asgard just as Gorr starts attacking the town with shadow creatures. He is surprised to find Foster with Mj olnir but nevertheless teams up with her, Valkyrie and Korg to fight Gorr. The group thwarts Gorr, but he escape s, kidnapping several Asgardian children.

The group travels to Omnipotent City to warn the other gods and ask for their help. The Olympian god Zeus is un willing to help and has Thor captured, forcing the group to fight off Zeus’s men. Zeus injures Korg; in anger, Thor impales Zeus with his own thunderbolt, which Valkyrie steals during their escape. They then travel to the Shad o w Realm to save the children. However, this turned out to be a ruse for Gorr to take Stormbreaker, which he inte nds to use on the Bifrost to enter Eternity and ask for the destruction of all gods. Gorr overpowers Thor’s group and steals Stormbreaker. Gorr uses Stormbreaker to open the portal to Eternity. Valkyrie is badly injured and Fo ster ends the battle drained by her use of Mjolnir, with one more such use likely to hasten her death from cancer. Thor, therefore, goes alone, imbuing the kidnapped Asgardian children and their weapons with the power of Th or to fight alongside him. Foster joins Thor in fighting Gorr and destroys the Necrosword.

Admitting defeat, Thor convinces Gorr that all he wanted from Eternity was not to destroy the gods but to get his daughter Love back. Foster succumbs to her illness and dies in Thor’s arms. Eternity allows Gorr’s request to revive Love, whom he asks Thor to take care of before he dies from the effects of the Necrosword. The children return to New Asgard, where Valkyrie and Sif begin training them. Meanwhile, Thor, now in possession of Mjol nir again, continues to go on adventures to help people, with Love, now wielding Stormbreaker, by his side.

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in monochrome in a film full of advanced VFX. But he alone couldn’t hold a film with a weak storyline and prete ntious dialogues. After saving the earth 500 times Thor(Chris Hemsworth), becomes a god and begins a new jou rney for inner peace, However, he must return to save gods from a galactic killer Gorr the God Butcher and also he reunites his ex-girlfriend Jane(Natalia Portman).But first things first. If you’re among those who are unsure a bout what to call Natalie Portman’s Thor, the film does answer that. Many like our villain have been calling Nat alie Portman’s Thor as ‘Lady Thor’ and Taika Watiti very cleverly tells them “Firstly, it’s Mighty Thor!” Secondly, it’s “Doctor Jane Foster!” Love and Thunder starring, Chris Hemsworth, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson, Natalie Portman, and others, and the film was written and directed by Taika Waititi, while the cinematography has done by Barry Idoine, Music has composed by Michael Giacchino, Nami Melumad and the film produced by Marvel Stu dios.

Meanwhile, plenty of things happen in Thor 4. Odinson is hunting down Gorr to save a bunch of kids. Concomita ntly, he is attempting to figure out who he is as he steers his patchy love story with Jane. Along the way, Thor and his team wage war with Gods, encounter old friends, get new pets, and goes on a rollercoaster ride across the ga laxy. No matter whether the story is good or bad when it comes to Superhero films and the audience wants spec tacular visuals and action and that is what offers Thor: Love and Thunder, However, the movie starts off well by establishing Thor’s character but after that, the movie falters into uneven scenes as it didn’t add any effect to the film, However, the film has lot fun elements and those worked out well and keeps you engage for a while. While the film has its focus on narrating the adventures of Thor, the Odinson, it forfeits its villain’s trail that the Asga rdian is rowing in the first place. Gorr was tossed as a sinister and menacing butcher who slays Gods across uni verses and realms and exhibits no mercy, but not even once do we see him do it.

Yes, we do see corpses of dead Gods hanging in terrifying locations and listen about his deadly assassinations fr om Thor and his fellow members, but we never witness the process on screen. The character doesn’t get enough time to establish why he should be feared and the film never justifies if Gods should really deem his threatening claims. In fact, when Thor goes to Zeus and tells him about Gorr, the God of Lightning dismisses the God of Thund er and pays no heed to him. Thanos, has been Marvel’s most successful villain so far because the audience saw hi m wiping half of the universe. They felt the loss and they fathom his impact. But Gorr, despite having a mythologi cal backstory, a terrifying appearance and dangerous claims couldn’t climb the ladder. It’s just a waste of the cha racter. Regardless, Bale manages to find his way and set mayhem on screen keeping his charm intact. The first ha lf of the movie went with a few action blocks and funny scenes and later off shifted to serious action but that is no longer sustained again we get to see Thor’s comedy, as we can say this is the first romantic comedy superhero film for MCU.

 With the last three Thor films, the audience is familiar with its setting and knows how comical it can be. Seems like the makers took the funny part too earnestly and were ready to compromise on the story. It is the weakest Thor film so far. The first half vacillates between being superficial and preposterously comic. Sometimes, the pu nch lines and jokes are so forced and out of place that they dilute the gravity of the event taking place. There are moments when you’re sceptical if you should be thrilled about the sequence or simply laugh at it and move on. Thor and Jane’s chemistry worked out well in the film and their relationship is handled so well in the film, How ever, Chris Hemsworth as Thor is just brilliant as he makes you laugh in a lot of scenes with his brilliant comic ti ming, and Christan Bale as Gorr is a show stealer I would say and the rest of the cast did well according to their roles.  The introduction of Mighty Thor was one of the better scenes. Thor asks Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) who is that guy, and her inundated “guy” in response sets the tone for Mighty Thor’s trajectory.

She not only mocks the stereotype of superheroes being manly figures but also teases Thor about his ex-girlf ri end. Natalie Portman without a doubt delivers exceptionally. Taika Waititi handled the film so well from the st art and end but he could have concentrated more on the screenplay, though he succeeded in engaging the audi ence. There are grand sequences in the film, an obvious for a Marvel film that fans will love. Also, confrontational scenes between Thor and Gorr before they meet Eternity are particularly well shot, in the otherwise banal film. The music stands out though. Soundtracks by Guns and Roses are perfectly in sync with the theme and gel well with the surroundings. Thor Love and Thunder is not what was expected out of it. Apart from a few selected sc enes and Christian Bale, there’s nothing extraordinary. Technically Thor is top-notch in terms of VFX, cinema to graphy, and music everything is perfect. Finally, Thor: Love and Thunder is must watch for theatrical experi ence and if you’re an MCU fan then you must go.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 4 /5