CII congratulates the Southern State Governments for leading in ease of doing business ranking in the country

CII congratulates the Southern State Governments for leading in ease of doing business ranking in the country

Chennai, 1 July: Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) congratulates the Southern State Governments of  A ndh ra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Telangana  for emerging as Top Achievers in the ease of doing business ra nking according to the Business Reforms Action Plan (BRAP 2020) released on Thursday.

South India has all it takes to become a $1.5 Trillion Economy by 2025 with its perfect blend of all parameters th at make it an ideal destination for doing business and this was clearly evident by the top ranking of Southern St ates in the ease of doing business said Ms Suchitra K Ella, Chairperson, CII Southern Region.  Now, keeping this as an advantage, the Southern States need to find its champion sectors to propel growth and attract global in ve stments to realise the vision of becoming a $.1.5 Trillion Economy by 2025, she added.

“CII has set up exclusive Task Forces at the Region as well as in the Southern States with focus on ease, cost and speed of doing business. Through these task forces, CII is working closely with the Governments in the Southern States in identifying opportunities for improving various parameters related to ease of doing business”, said Mr Kamal Bali, Deputy Chairman, CII Southern Region”.

“CII recommendations on EoDB in the Southern States have focused on MSME related facilitations as we believe that MSMEs are the backbone and building blocks for our socio-economic growth and transformation.  Several submissions from CII have been received positively by the respective State Governments” added Mr Bali.

Mr Neeraj Sarda, Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh has lauded the eff orts and initiatives of the State Government for achieving the top rank in ease of doing business.  He said the State has introduced pa th breaking economic reforms which has helped to achieve econo mic growth and attract investments during the critical pandemic pe riod. Also the State has showed significant progress in addressing various regulatory issues and walked thro ugh the reform process very transparently. CII Andhra Pradesh would continue to work closely with the State Gove rnment to make it the preferred investment destination in the country.

“CII congratulates the Government of Karnataka for being ranked in the Top Achievers Category for ‘Impleme ntation of the Business Reform Action Plan 2022’ as per the recent Report released by the Union Government. This ranking will certainly help boost the investor confidence and foster a business-friendly climate in Karn ata ka. This comes at a right time when the Government of Karnataka is also planning the Global Investors Meet scheduled in November this year. CII will continue to support the Government in their endeavor on reducing regulatory compliances, licenses and integration of services”, said Mr Arjun Ranga, Chairman, CII Karnataka.

Mr Satyakam Arya, Chairman, CII Tamil Nadu said that Tamil Nadu’s ranking on the Ease of Doing Business is a reflection of the commitment by the State Government to enhance the industrial eco-system here. Over the y ears, CII has been working closely with various departments in the State on policy matters, and the results are there for all to see. CII looks forward to working closely with all its stakeholders to support the Government’s vision of achieving the USD 1 Trillion Economy by 2030.  We are certain that Tamil Nadu’s ranking will go a long way in making it more competitive and attractive to existing and potential investors.

“I congratulate the Telangana Government once again for topping the charts of EoDB ranking by DPIIT.  Indeed, it’s a moment to rejoice the tireless efforts of both Government and Industry towards this achievement. CII will continue to work closely with the State Government in retaining the State’s leadership position in EoDB ran ki ng”, said Mr Vagish Dixit, Chairman, CII Telangana.