ABP Nadu celebrates its first-year anniversary

ABP Nadu celebrates its first-year anniversary

Chennai, 7th April, 2022: ABP Nadu celebrated the completion of its blockbuster first year of operations. In this short span of time, ABP Nadu has grown to become the sixth largest Tamil news platform with over 10 million        active users every month.  

ABP Nadu reflects upon the key strengths and the ethos which has turned the regional platform into a huge suc cess. It has been able to carve out a niche for itself, with its focus on a content strategy involving social media an d video-based content in a vibrant and highly competitive Tamil news market.

This disruptive strategy has made ABP Nadu an established brand in the Tamil market as it has been able to ach ieve groundbreaking viewership figures. Some of these impressive achievements of ABP Nadu in the past year include: ABP Nadu becoming the sixth largest news platform on ComScore in January, 2022. ABP Nadu has also been receiving about 30 million video views in a month with an average view duration of close to four minutes. The digital network also has a huge following amongst the youth with the age group of 18-34 years forming 45% of its viewership.

During the past year, ABP Nadu has broken several prominent news stories. Further, the socially relevant progra mming focus of ABP Na du has been able to highlight key civic issues, issues on human rights, education, and pan demic preparedness. ABP Nadu extensively cove red the impact of the floods in Chennai on common people. Moreover, ABP Nadu’s interactive programming covering the entertainment, sports and personal finance topics has been a huge hit with its viewers.

Commenting on the first-year anniversary Avinash Pandey, CEO, ABP Network, said “ABP Nadu reflects our strong commitment to deliver relevant, engaging and an unbiased regional content which is free from any clut ter and meets the content demands of our young and energetic audiences. Going ahead, we will work tirelessly to further enhance our offerings and cater to the audiences’ expectations while ensuring our commitment to quality and media ethics. We are aware of the tremendous potential of the Tamil market and will continue to expand our presence and capacity to cover the issues and reflect the aspirations of people from this incredible state.”

About ABP Network

An innovative media and content creation company, ABP Network is a credible voice in the broadcast & digital sphere, with a multi-language portfolio of news channels reaching 535 million individuals in India. ABP Studios, which comes under the purview of ABP Creations – the content innovation arm of the network – creates, produ ces, and licenses original, path-breaking content outside of news. ABP Network is a group entity of ABP, which was incorporated almost 100 years ago and continues to reign as a leading media company.