Kallan Tamil Movie Review

Kallan Tamil Movie Review


KaruPazhaniappan, Nikita, Maya , Dinesh Subbarayan, Soundhararajan ,Namo_Narayanan  and others ,


Director : Chandra Thangaraj  , Cinematographer : M.S.Prabu, Gopi Jegatheeswaran, Music Director: K Editor : SP.Ahamad ,  Lyrics :  Na.Muthukumar, Yuga Barathi, Gnanakaravel, Chandra Thangaraj  , Action : Dinesh Subbar ayan ,  Art Director : Devaraj ,  Dance : Bobbs  , Manager :  M.R.Ragu ,  PRO : Suresh Chandra , Rehka-D’one Disign : Sathish. J Digital Creative :  M.Ranjith ,  Subtitles :  Sugita Thangavelu  , Producer: V. Mathiyazhkan. Banner: Etcetera Entertainment Release by :  Peacock Pictures and others ,


Kallan is a Tamil crime action film written and directed by Chandra starring Karu Pazhaniappan,Nikita and Maya in lead roles,Dinesh Subbarayan,Soundararaja and Namo Narayanan in important roles. The story is said to revo lve around people who take up hunting professionally. The story is set in a village near Theni and is about a you ngster who knows nothing else other than to hunt.


He’s rendered jobless when the government bans hunting. So, he and his two friends decide to earn their living by making guns — the kinds he used for hunting. But that also doesn’t work out. To make some quick money and settle down in life, they decide to steal at a well-off person’s house. And that attempt changes his life forever. The film is set in two time periods — 1975, where there’s a small flashback sequence, and 1988-89 when all these incidents happen.

Watch The Trailor-;

Movie Review-;

  Passing on stories from one medium to another is a tricky business. An intriguing novel might not always tr ns late into a similarly potent film. Kallan, in a way, suffers from a similar problem. What sounds like an arresting story on paper, faces endless stutters in getting transferred to the screen. Hero Karu Palaniappan has shown Hero a very natural acting as a hunter. Aanganke would have been a little more attracted to acting if he had kept his body language a bit more acting. The heroine, Nikita, has done the job given to her. He has no great scope in the story.For starters, the period crime drama gets all its basics wrong. Karu Palaniyappan is horribly miscast as the daring, young Velu. Though the character goes through a series of emotions like betrayal, helplessness, guilt, rage and love over the years, Palaniyappan chooses to put on a perennially annoyed look for some reason.

Take the scene where Velu is cornered to make his first murder. An invested performance would have taken us through the whirlwind of thoughts he goes through during this ordeal, however, here we just get a bland dialo gue to express regret. Of course, this disconnect with the audience is equally fueled by the lack of finesse in dir ection, but it is impossible to notice Palaniyappan’s disinterest.Namo Narayanan and Selandaraja are the big ch aracters in the film. Both have given his acting as intimidation. In addition, in the fight scene,  Sounderraja is ast ounded.This’ period crime drama ‘does throw in snippets of information to establish the timeline by having peop le at tea shops listening to’Un mela oru kannu aisa langadiyo‘from Rajinikanth’s Naan Mahaan Alla, and newspap ers carrying headlines about the rift between team Jaya and team Janaki post-MGR’s demise. The story also has an ample amount of ‘crime’ happening.

But the film takes a back seat when it comes to establishing a solid drama, which in turn results in the lack of the protagonist’s strong want. This ‘want’ is even more crucial when the story lacks a villain to spice up the proce edi ngs. Velu here is not ambitious, and to make it worse, directionless. Designing the protagonist as a victim of circu mstances is one thing, but reducing him to a puppet of sorts isn’t the wisest of ideas. Everyone who appeared as associates has become story-telling characters and given life to the story.Maya is another heroine who is greatly impressed in the film. The twist in the story at an unexpected time enlivens the story. He intimidates everyone with his staring eyes. There is no doubt that a round will definitely come in Tamil cinema.To be fair, Kallan isn’t a film completely devoid of thought. The ‘last man standing’ play in the final act and the ultimate twist that follo ws, had the potential to salvage the film. But the damage caused is so much that the late remedy is not fully eff ective.

Though there is an army of supporting actors, only Maya Chandran makes her mark. Adding a bit of background to her character would have made a sea of ​​difference in the climax, but director Chandra resorts to fleeting dia logues to explain Maya’s shocking act. Director Chandra Thankaraj can be highly praised for bringing the story movement that starts with Vela Ramamurthy to the forefront of the beautiful village hunting biography. The fir st half moves beautifully without any one fall.Some scenes in the second half, which made us guess what wou ld happen next is a minor slip to the story. On the other hand, it does not affect the flow of the story. The cinema tography draws attention in many places, such as the pig-hunting scene and the prison escape scene. Congrat ulat ions to both cinematographers MS Prabhu and Kopi Jegatheeswaran. Gay music is the type of songs that are heard. In addition, ‘How many nights have I waitedHow many moons have I seen? ‘ The second half of the film may have focused a little more on the background music. 

Otherwise, the director’s hard work has succeeded in the plot, the biography, the way it is taken, and so on.Right from the scripting stages, it would have been clear that Kallan wasn’t going to be a film that can be shot on a hu mble budget. So, it was shocking to see the obnoxious compromises undergone with the locations, set properties and VFX. The crucial jailbreak scene, especially, is so shoddy and amateur. Kallan, in a way, feels synonymous to Velu’s heist missions. The ambition is high, the plans are set too, but it ultimately collapses due to cluttered exe cution. The commendable thing is that she handled the love scenes with maturity, which brought with her unbelievable authenticity to the other hero-oriented films, as well as the surprising expression of the Ms. character. Overall the ‘thief’ examines the viewer as an incomplete mission.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting-3 /5